Hessian debacle: German coalition staggers


The Hesse Memorial clearly applied to the Berlin Government, in which all major candidates agreed to the election night. "The message that can and must of course be conveyed to Hesse in Berlin: citizens want fewer conflicts, they want objective work," said the Hessian Prime Minister and first candidate of the CDU, Bouffier.

The SPD's lead candidate, Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel, spoke of a "serious crisis of trust and credibility". The Hesse SPD was helpless and helpless in the face of the federal trend: "Not only did we not get a tailwind from Berlin, but we had regular squalls in the face".

"Big projects" should prove their ability to work

For the CDU, the great disaster was missing: Bouffier could well remain in office, which German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) could give a break to the clashes of the Union. Shortly after the closing of the polls, CDU Secretary General Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer was relieved to learn that her colleague from Merkel, Bouffier, did not have to leave her chair, even though she had spoken of a "painful" result.

"Bouffier remains in power" was the central message of the Federal CDU, because it also does not seem to matter whether maintaining the black-green government in Hesse or starting the FDP must be integrated.

Kramp-Karrenbauer called for a "new working culture" of the grand coalition. The EU and the SPD should now decide "what are the three big plans for Germany's future that want to focus and focus on them". In mid-November, there will be a cabinet meeting, said the head of Chancellor Helge Braun (CDU).

Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer and Angela Merkel

APA / AFP / John MacDougal

Kramp-Karrenbauer and Merkel: the general secretary of the CDU had already questioned the coalition

Is Merkel gone?

Next Sunday, the CDU wants to go to a meeting of the board of directors. The party will be held in December. Merkel said that she "will attend the party congress again". And I have so far received no other signal, "Kramp-Karrenbauer said Sunday. Above all, "up to the hour" irritated the absent ones.

In the CDU, it is badumed that Merkel wants to avoid further chaos in government and quick re-election. But their national opponents could still go to the shelter in the coming weeks and present a serious candidate or a candidate against it.

"The problem of criticism is currently – for some, an uprising against the head of the CDU arrives too early, for others too late," said a member of the Bureau. Neither Kramp-Karrenbauer nor Health Minister Jens Spahn, for example, could count on closed support.

Disastrous results of polls

In Bavaria, the leaders of the CDU claimed that the CSU had lost a lot because of its clear legal orientation. However, the CDU lost to Hesse with a moderate course also strong. And the number of polls is devastating. In Emnid's "Sunday trend" for the "Bild am Sonntag", CDU and CSU have fallen to a new record level and are only approved at 24%. In a recent Forsa survey, they lost a percentage point and now stand at 26%. On the other hand, the high altitude flight of the Greens continues: they get an approval of 20 or 21% and are clearly in the second place.

Birgit Schwarz (ORF) on the elections in Hesse

The coalition of Chancellor Merkel has received with the election in Hesse another hurdle. ORF correspondent Birgit Schwarz describes how much Merkel is in distress.

The values ​​of the coalition partner are even more dramatic: the SPD has reached the "Sunday trend" like the previous week with 15% and is now behind the AfD with 16% (plus one percentage point) at the fourth place. According to Emnid, Left and FDP return to 10%. The Forsa survey on RTL / n-tv estimates the SPD at 14%. The AfD loses compared with the previous week, a percentage point and also reaches 14%. The left increases by one point and reaches 10% of approval, the FDP receives 9%.

Nahles with – generous – ultimatum

SPD leader Andrea Nahles found clear words on the night of the election and issued an ultimatum to the Great Coalition. The Union and the SPD should now agree on a "binding road map", she said. When implementing the mid-term "mid-term review" of the government in the middle of the legislature, it will be decided whether the SPD in the coalition is still "right-handed".

Andrea Nahles, leader of the SPD

APA / AFP / Tobias Schwarz

SPD Director Nahles wants to save time

He used a twofold strategy: he wants to set the deadlines of the Union for the implementation of government projects and, at the same time, accelerate the process of renewing the SPD. This can be seen as an attempt to rescue the coalition or as a condition creating an exit and new elections. However, the middle of the legislature is only in about a year. One wonders if the game works for a moment. After all, the SPD stays in Hesse before the green. If she had slipped to third place, the debate would probably have been even more violent.

Debate on the exit of the coalition and the presidency of the party

The party Hilde Mattheis had already spent before the election night, the slogan of a survey of members should focus on the fate of the Great Coalition. Juso President Kevin Kühnert also questioned the government coalition in Berlin: "Under the conditions we work in Berlin, the SPD can not have a foot in the ground in any state".

Even Nahles as party leader is ready to be debated. However, there is virtually no alternative so far, which says a lot about the state of the party. And the big disappointed candidate, Schäfer-Gümbel, summed it up during the election night: "We exchanged our presidents a little bit and, frankly, it did not work."

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