Hofer: Border controls would be a disaster – News


The asylum dispute between the CSU and the CDU has resulted in a prejudicial compromise to Austria: Germany wants to return refugee camps for refugees to the border and asylum seekers in Austria. This has led both Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) and Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini to announce stricter border controls.

FPÖ Transport Minister Norbert Hofer is surprisingly unenthusiastic. "It would definitely be a disaster," Hofer told the "German News Agency". This could cause huge economic damage, he warned.

Because at every turn by Switzerland, carriers should pay about 100 euros more per toll. He also fears, according to the Italian news agency ANSA, a "domino effect" of German action.

Also for 12-hour day referendums

In recent years, it was always Hofer FPÖ, was in favor of border controls at the southern border. With regard to the 12-hour week as well, the Minister of Transport and the chief of the vice-chief seem to be avoiding the government line. He hopes the SPÖ will launch a referendum on the 12-hour day, he said Wednesday after the Council of Ministers

. He expressed confidence that the result would be in favor of the 12-hour day. Although one is for a more direct democracy, but they are not going to implement "on demand". The government's measures are "very pragmatic", even if there will be criticism, but we will not be deterred, said Hofer.

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