Hundreds of Syrian Lebanese return home | Tiroler Tageszeitung online


Beirut / Geneva – Following the success of Syrian government forces, hundreds of civil war refugees are expected to return from Lebanon to their homeland early next week. According to the highest Lebanese security agency, they voluntarily took the departure. The Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) also said that no pressure had been exerted on the Syrians.

Most of the refugees had lived in camps in the village of Arsal, in northeastern Lebanon, in recent years. According to the Lebanese Agency ANI about 3,000 Syrians from Arsal filed return demands, which Syrian security officials must bless. The city was sometimes under the control of radical groups like the terrorist militia IS (Daesh).

Large parts of the country heavily destroyed

By the end of June, a first group of 370 refugees had returned from Arsal to Syria. Lebanon has received nearly one million Syrians, according to UN figures. Measured by the population, most refugees in the country are housed around the world. The government wants them to return quickly to Syria.

Since the start of the Syrian civil war in spring 2011, more than five million people have fled to neighboring countries, according to UN figures. UNHCR said Friday that 13,000 Syrians have returned since the beginning of the year.

Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad's troops have returned to important areas in recent months. Only a few days ago, the rebels abandoned in the south of the country. However, large parts of Syria have been badly damaged after more than seven years of civil war. The government is running out of money for rebuilding a billion dollars. (APA / dpa)

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