Hunter mistaken for rabbits: 2 wounded


Upper Austria. The hunting license says nothing about the accuracy: on the weekend, two hunters landed at the hospital, having been confused by colleagues during the rabbit hunt and shot with a shotgun cargo. According to the police, one of the victims was literally 100 meters from the target.

In Sarleinsbach, in Rohrbach, 19, hunter invited to the hunt. With his shotgun, he targeted a hare and fired twice. Two kills hit the 56-year-old hunter, who was 100 meters away. His injuries were treated at the Rohrbach Regional Hospital.

Another hunting accident

In a hunt in Esternberg (Schärding District) it was Saturday at 10:30 came to another crash. A 60-year-old man was about 14 meters from the hare in a wooded area, but was not in the sense of the plot. Several shots hit a 75-year-old man. The hunter was wounded and taken to Schärding Hospital.

The 60-year-old was reportedly negligently badaulted.

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