Hurricane "Willa": "extremely dangerous" cyclone heading to Mexico – World


A second category 4 hurricane is formed in the Pacific and is heading to Mexico. Hurricane Willa is "extremely dangerous," warned the American Hurricane Center (NHC). It reached a wind speed of 230 km / h and was scheduled to land on Tuesday afternoon or Tuesday night (local time) on the Mexican Pacific coast, as explained by the NHC. Authorities warn of tidal waves, storms, heavy rains and life-threatening landslides.

"Willa"was still 160 kilometers from the Mexican coast on Monday night, approaching the continent at 13 km / h and measuring a wind speed of 240 km / h.

On Monday, the hurricane temporarily reached the highest category 5. However, he lost strength again and was downgraded to Category 4.

In the coastal areas of the three Mexican states of Sinaloa, the schools of Jalisco and Nayarit were closed Monday and warnings to the population have spread. The governor of Jalisco, Aristóteles Sandoval, ordered the evacuation of hotels in Puerto Vallarta, frequented by American tourists.

The hurricane could be "very destructive," warned Sandoval. "We have already prepared food and shelter, as well as local and national relief services."

Further south, the Mexican authorities have also prepared for the arrival of tropical storm "Vicente". before. He should also land on Tuesday. Heavy rains, floods and landslides had already killed eleven people in the state of Oaxaca in the south of the country on Thursday.

Just two weeks ago, Hurricane "Michael" – also a Category 4 hurricane – had wreaked havoc in Florida and other US states. Many people have been killed. (AFP)

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