Immediate release at LKH Villach


Shocking news comes from LKH Villach

In August 2017, the head of the LKH-Villach Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, aged 54, was recruited. Previously, he worked as Chief Medical Officer in Germany. According to KABEG, his employment ended. The doctor was dismissed without notice. A reason for dismissal can not be mentioned because of the privacy policy. The situation was clear, however. Apparently, incidents were reported by employees.

ORF: Potential threat to patients

According to the ORF, there was a potential risk for patients. The tasks of Primarius are currently performed by the first senior physician in the Department of Gynecology of LKH-Villach.

Media: It was suicidal

As the "week" reports in his last issue, the doctor committed suicide. The newspaper refers to statements by the police. Gerhard Köfer from Team Carinthia is also mentioned. He states that the doctor was even released from work for a short time. Colleagues would have finally issued an ultimatum. "Or him or us," it's supposed to have been.


Suicides and suicide attempts are usually not reported, unless the act receives special attention because of the circumstances, as in this case. If you also feel that you need help, contact Telefonseelsorge 142 immediately.

Telephone consultations offer free advice 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

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In August 2017, the head of the LKH-Villach Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, aged 54, was recruited. Previously, he worked as Chief Medical Officer in Germany. According to KABEG, his employment ended. The doctor was dismissed without notice. A reason for dismissal can not be mentioned because of the privacy policy. The situation was clear, however. Apparently, incidents were reported by employees.

ORF: Potential threat to patients

According to the ORF, there was a potential risk for patients. The tasks of Primarius are currently performed by the first senior physician in the Department of Gynecology of LKH-Villach.

Media: It was suicidal

As the "week" reports in his last issue, the doctor committed suicide. The newspaper refers to statements by the police. Gerhard Köfer from Team Carinthia is also mentioned. He states that the doctor was even released from work for a short time. Colleagues would have finally issued an ultimatum. "Or him or us," it's supposed to have been.


Suicides and suicide attempts are usually not reported, unless the act receives special attention because of the circumstances, as in this case. If you also feel that you need help, contact Telefonseelsorge 142 immediately.

Telephone consultations offer free advice 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

The primary of the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics of LKH Villach was fired. Due to data protection, however, no reason can be given for dismissal without notice. The situation was clear.

In August 2017, the head of the LKH-Villach Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, aged 54, was recruited. Previously, he worked as Chief Medical Officer in Germany. According to KABEG, his employment ended. The doctor was dismissed without notice. A reason for dismissal can not be mentioned because of the privacy policy. The situation was clear, however. Apparently, incidents were reported by employees.

ORF: Potential threat to patients

According to the ORF, there was a potential risk for patients. The tasks of Primarius are currently performed by the first senior physician in the Department of Gynecology of LKH-Villach.

Media: It was suicidal

As the "week" reports in his last issue, the doctor committed suicide. The newspaper refers to statements by the police. Gerhard Köfer from Team Carinthia is also mentioned. He states that the doctor was even released from work for a short time. Colleagues would have finally issued an ultimatum. "Or him or us," it's supposed to have been.


Suicides and suicide attempts are usually not reported, unless the act receives special attention because of the circumstances – as in this case. If you also feel that you need help, contact Telefonseelsorge 142 immediately.

Telephone consultations offer free advice 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.


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