In the NSU trial: last words of the accused?



In the NSU trial: last words of the accused?

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  Continuation of the NSU trial   Continuation of the trial NSU

Beate Zschäpe (1), arrives before the lawyer Mathias Grasel (r) before the Higher Regional Court of Munich in the NSU trial. Photo: Tobias Hase / Archive

Source: dpa-infocom GmbH

M ünchen (dpa) – In the NSU trial in Munich, Beate Zschäpe and four alleged badistant deputies of the National Socialist Underground are called today for their last words, the state security senate of the Munich Higher Regional Court would then retire for consultation and is likely to announce the awards next week. The main audience has been going on for more than five years.

Before the defendants were called, the court could still deal with the final evidence. They concern the fire with which Zschäpe destroyed their escape home in Zwickau. She had herself testified that she had concluded shortly before the fire of a radio message that her two friends Uwe Mundlos and Uwe Böhnhardt committed suicide after a failed bank robbery.

The two men have for nearly 14 years, in the trio lived in the basement, shot dead ten people and committed two bombings. The motive was in almost all cases xenophobia. A murder victim was a policewoman in Heilbronn. The NSU trial aims to clarify the culpability of Zschäpe and the co-defendants with them

The Federal Public Prosecutor considers Zschäpe to be an accomplice and has asked for life imprisonment in pre-trial detention. Both Zschäpe defense teams consider her as innocent for the killings and the attacks. The defenders see Zschäpe's blame for the other offenses: their three original public defenders consider a single punishment for arson, their two defenders not more than ten years in prison for having aided and abetted numerous raids.

Press release on the indictment in the NSU trial

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