In the village of South Tyrol, the green heart beats


By Wolfgang Otter

Kufstein – "In fact, I actually look like the second mayor of Kufstein," said Hannes Gschwentner, NHT director, during the presentation of the result of the architectural competition for the new South Tyrolean colony in Kufstein. Thus, Gschwentner played on the 1,600 already built New Heimat Tirol (NHT) apartments in the walled city – and a few will be added. In the next 10 to 15 years, 700 modern apartments will be built in the Kufstein-Sparchen district, doubling the number of existing NHT units. To do this, the housing badociation wants to invest up to 100 million euros.

Twenty-one architectural firms submitted proposals in this regard during a competition. In the end, the architectural community Claudia Dorner and the Innsbruck "park architects" won the contract. Their ideas were approved by the jury. For the mayor of Kufstein, Martin Krumschnabel, "it's a very good choice". After all, Sparchen would be the largest social housing area in the city. And what speaks to the mayor for design: it remained the loose building and the many green spaces that make up the peculiarity of the colony.

Claudia Dorner and Martin Fuchs (park architects) pointed out that it will be a real estate development for future generations. Therefore, there is also room for a retirement home, as well as "the settlement receives a heart." It was for us immediately, "Dorner said. This settlement center will include public facilities ranging from a café to a neighborhood center and stores.

It is green so green: the characteristic of the neighborhood remains with the rescheduling, the cars are largely exiled from the colony.

– Otter

In addition, he immediately rejoiced that the settlement will be largely car free in the future. Meraner Straße will be preserved, but Sterzinger and Terlaner Straße will be demolished. There are only roads leading to the entrances to the underground car park. Pedestrians and cyclists have priority.

According to Gschwentner, it will take 10 to 15 years for the new district to be completed. "Of course, we also have to agree with the residents of the current apartments," Geschwentner said. Today, the Kufsteiners have the opportunity to visit the ideas of the various architects at the town hall from 9am to 18pm. At the same time, 40 apartments from the first processing section of Meraner Straße were delivered yesterday.

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