Inna Zimmermann: The young mayor of the CDU builds an accident with 2.9 per thousand


The mayor of the municipality of Salzatal, Ina Zimmermann, is suspected of impaired driving. At present, the 34-year-old has indirectly publicly acknowledged her actions.

"I want to badure you from the bottom of my heart that I am really sorry for what happened Yes, I made a serious mistake and yes, I will answer," wrote the Mayor of the CDU on her page Facebook. On Wednesday, there were over 200 comments under the entry – understanding for the misstep and encouragement to the total lack of understanding.

Earlier, the Mitteldeutsche Zeitung reported on driving while intoxicated. The police referred to human rights and did not want to confirm personal details. A spokeswoman for the police reported an accident Thursday night in the evening. A 34-year-old woman first drove her car against a railing and then left.

CDU wants to discuss the consequences

Witnesses said that they had come after the woman and tried to stop them, the cars were hit. A blood alcohol test gave 2.9 per thousand among 34 year olds. She had to return the driver's license immediately. The material damage is estimated at 7000 euros.

Meanwhile, the CDU wants to discuss the possible consequences. A spokeswoman for the national badociation said that the next November 6 would meet the provincial council, which also belongs Zimmermann. She will have the opportunity to explain it here.

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