Investigation against the director of BVT «


Peter Gridling, director of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and Terrorism (BVT), has once again found his white vest. The preliminary investigation against him was opened on Friday by the Attorney General's Office (OStA) in Vienna. The first suspicions have not been substantiated, said Friday the spokesman of the authorities Michael Klackl.

The Chief Prosecutor of the Office of the Prosecutor for Economic Affairs and Corruption (WKStA) recently said this differently when she was questioned by the U Committee. "The initial suspicions were confirmed," said several Ursula Schmudermayer, trying to justify the controversial search that she had ordered.

Data that could not be deleted

The WKStA has been investigating officials of the Ministry of Interior and BAT since the summer of 2017 as a result of an anonymous brochure. BAT's director, Gridling, and his deputy have been suspects since February 27. You should not have caused the deletion of some data. The case concerned in particular the lawyer Gabriel Lansky. The BVT was pronounced against the lawyer in the case of the Kazakh diplomat Rachat Aliyev. Lansky was suspected of having influenced the Austrian legal protection system in the sense of the Kazakh intelligence service. Lansky always denied this and went to court against the investigation. And I was right.

However, BAT was later charged with not having erased the data from the investigation as ordered (allegedly) by the court. According to prosecutor Schmudermayer, this badumption is mainly based on the statements of one of the four main witnesses. The political cabinet of Interior Minister Herbert Kickl at the WKStA mediated these witnesses. The knot of history: the prosecutor simply had not checked these statements before the search, as she said in the U committee itself.

There has never been an order to cancel the court at the BVT that has escaped him. Although this is now clear, the WKStA has continued the investigation against Gridling. He then asked the WKStA to close the investigation.
She was not ready for that at the beginning. It was ordered by the Procuratorate by order.

Hierarchically, the Attorney General's office is above the WKStA, which is required to report. When the WKStA reported on Gridling's application for recruitment, the Vienna Public Prosecutor's Office became proactive and examined its application in detail. And then, the WKStA ordered to stop the investigation against the director of the BVT. So it is the second time that the office of the prosecutor at the procedure Schmudermayer BVT does not leave beautiful hair.

This was the case the last time home searches had been compromised. These have been declared inadmissible in almost all areas. The reasoning was similar to that of the Gridling case: the initial suspicion did not get hard.

Registered Prosecutor

In the meantime, several complaints have already been lodged against the prosecutor Schmudermayer and his actions in this case. The mischief ads can be found in the Korneuburg Attorney, who deals with them. Nevertheless, Schmudermayer continues the case. The consequences are not expected at the moment, was learned Friday on a request "press" of the Ministry of Justice.

Peter Gridling, director of BVT, also managed for the third time. The Federal Administrative Court had already proved its identity twice when it had opposed its suspension. The Ministry of the Interior then reinstated him and instructed him to reform the authority. This should be ready for next year at the latest in June.

As Gridling sees it, he will report to the Committee on Wednesday. The day before, Tuesday, Secretary General of the Interior, Peter Goldgruber, and the Director General of Public Safety, Michaela Kardeis, will speak.


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