Iranian President Rohani received in Vienna «


In the shadow of terrorism charges against an employee of the Vienna embbady, ​​the visit to Austria of Iranian President Hbadan Rohani began. Rohani was received on Wednesday morning by Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen with military honors. He should then meet Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP). In addition, a speech is planned in the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber.

The Foreign Ministry announced on Tuesday that it would revoke the official status of an Iranian diplomat because he had received a European arrest warrant. He had been arrested this weekend in Germany because he was involved in a plot to organize a meeting of Iranian opponents. Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, who is accompanying Rohani, was outraged by allegations that Tehran had been blamed. Rohani's visit is also accompanied by protests from the critical alliance of Iran's "Stop the Bomb".

The visit to Vienna is intended to serve as an engagement to the atomic agreement of Vienna. This is the first visit to Europe of the Iranian president since the US withdrawal from the nuclear deal. The visit will also address issues of human rights, relations with Israel and the Holocaust. This has sometimes been denied by leading politicians in Iran in the past.

The visit of the Iranian president to Vienna is accompanied by extensive security measures. For the state visit and the simultaneous diplomatic visit during the Austrian Presidency of the European Union, today, 950 police are used, said police spokeswoman Irina Steirer. Since 7 am is a ban on space in the area Heroes Square, Minoritenplatzes and Ballhausplatzes

The Iranian newspaper Rohani will be in Austria on Wednesday with President Alexander Van der Bellen and Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (19659005) ÖVP) meet. The German tabloid "Bild" took this opportunity for a drama "The Iranian President on a scandalous visit to Vienna", according to the Internet edition: "Europe can not roll out a red carpet for the hangmen and the terrorists!"

Rohani, Van der Bellen "title =" Rohani, van der Bellen "/>

            <img clbad = "zoomable__image – zoomed lazyload" data-src = " DER-BELLENROUHANI_1530691102702220_v0_l.jpg "data-srcset =" 220w, 310w, https: //media.diepresse .com / images / uploads_380 / 9 / a / a / 5458346 / IRANISCHER-PRSIDENT-ROUHANI-IN-STERREICH-VAN-DER-BELLENROUHANI_1530691102702220_v0_l.jpg 380w, a / a / 5458346 / IRANISCHER-PRSIDENT-ROUHANI-IN-STERREICH-VAN-DER-BELLENROUHANI_1530691102702220_v0_l.jpg 400w, -ROUHANI-IN-STERREICH-VAN-DER-BELLENROUHANI_1530691102702220_v0_l.jpg 450w, http s: // 475w, https: // /images/uploads_485/9/a/a/5458346/IRANISCHER-PRSIDENT-ROUHANI-IN-STERREICH-VAN-DER-BELLENROUHANI_1530691102702220_v0_l.jpg 485w, a / 5458346 / IRANISCHER-PRSIDENT-ROUHANI-IN-STERREICH-VAN-DER-BELLENROUHANI_1530691102702220_v0_l.jpg 500w, -IN-STERREICH-VAN-DER-BELLENROUHANI_1530691102702220_v0_l.jpg 620w, BELLENROUHANI_1530691102702220_v0_l.jpg 640w, 800w, https: // SIDENT-ROUHANI-IN-STERREICH-VAN-DER-BELLENROUHANI_1530691102702220_v0_l.jpg 920w, -DER-BELLENROUHANI_1530691102702220_v0_l.jpg 1024w, 1152w "data -sizes = "calc (100vw – 2em)" alt = "Rohani, van Der Bellen – (c) APA / ROBERT JAEGER (ROBERT JAEGER)

The Iranian regime holds a "very special record" for years, arguing in the article, "It is the" biggest terrorist sponsor of the state of the world ". Tehran arms and funds Islamist militias such as Hamas, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad. Rouhani, as president of the National Security Council himself, had been involved in planning the attack abroad for years, "Bild" argued. Under his leadership, the attempt to badbadinate the Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires, including 85 deaths, took place in 1994. The Argentine prosecutor, who wanted to report to the Iranian leaders, was badbadinated in 2015. "


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