Iran's intelligence services allegedly planned attack in Denmark


Iran's intelligence services have planned an attack in Denmark. At the end of September, the police paralyzed a large part of Denmark for long hours. It is now announced that the investigators were looking for alleged Iranian terrorists. (Source: Reuters / Ritzau Scanpix / Nils Meilvang)

At the end of September, the police paralyzed a large part of Denmark for long hours. It is now announced that the investigators were looking for alleged Iranian terrorists. (Source: Ritzau Scanpix / Nils Meilvang / Reuters)

Danish investigators reportedly prevented an attempt to badbadinate Iran's intelligence services. Some parts of the country were paralyzed for hours because of the danger situation.

Iran's intelligence services have planned an attack in Denmark. That is why parts of Denmark were paralyzed at the end of September for several hours because of mbadive police action. "We are dealing with an Iranian intelligence agency planning an attack on Danish soil," said Finn Borch Andersen, head of intelligence services in Denmark.

A suspect in detention

A Norwegian citizen of Iranian origin has been in detention since 21 October. He is accused of having authorized the Iranian intelligence services to operate in Denmark. He should also have been involved in planning the attempted attack. The man denies the allegations.

According to the Danish secret services, the target of the terrorist attacks was ASMLA, a group of Iranian opposition activists in exile for the independence of the Iranian oil-rich region around the city of Khartoum. ; Ahwa. The Iranian government considers this a terrorist organization. A year ago, the founder was killed in the Netherlands. Danish investigators are also investigating whether Iranian exiles may have been prosecuted. Specifically, it is the terrorism charge related to the September 22 attack in Iran, killing 25 people.

Potential victims under police protection

The arrest of the suspect did not eliminate the danger for group members, said Borch Andersen. Three people were involved under special protection of the police. Attempts to kill on Danish soil would not be tolerated, whether potential targets are punishable or not.

The attacks planned by the intelligence services led on 28 September to mbadive police action. Large parts of the Danish island of Zeeland, with the capital, Copenhagen, as well as international bridges and ferry boat connections were paralyzed for several hours.

A few weeks earlier, cross-border police action would have prevented a bomb attack by Iran's intelligence services at a meeting of the opposition party in Paris. which also involved German politiciansIran's diplomat Assadollah A. is the brain of the attack. He was arrested in Germany and now extradited to Belgium. Observers believe that the Iranian intelligence services use the messages to spy on the exiled opposition and plan attacks,

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