IS raids in Vienna and Graz: three suspects released


Three terrorist suspects previously held in Graz were released on the order of the Higher Regional Court. A Higher Regional Court Judge confirmed the report of the ORF Radio Stiermark at APA on Friday. An indictment had not yet existed, so it was necessary to act

"The resolution of the Senate orders the release of the three persons," said the judge to the APA. He was sent to the prosecutor's office in Graz on Tuesday, after which he was released. The reason: the investigation did not end, it was disproportionate because without charge, the three people could no longer be detained. In the U-Haft, a special request for acceleration applies. The prosecution has also been called several times to complete the investigation

raids IS: No charges of three suspects

Following the anti-terror raid and arrest of 14 men – including two Salafist preachers – and women in Graz and Vienna was among others on the suspicion of the terrorist badociation (keyword "Islamic State") was identified. At that time, apartments and a mosque belonging to an Islamic Grazer Glaubensverein were searched in the morning by a large number of security forces and arrests were made. The suspects had been under surveillance for some time. The suspects reportedly attempted to establish a radical Islamist organization in Austria and recruit members.

The Higher Regional Court Judge of Graz stated on motion that it was unlikely that the suspects would be harmless after a year and a half of underground detention: The suspicion of urgency is still given. After the arrests in January 2017, suspects were released at large. A notice from the prosecutor's office in Graz was initially not available upon request from the APA

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