Israel temporarily closes Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem | TIME ONLINE


Israeli police on Friday expelled the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem [194559005]. Police said that after the Muslim Friday prayers on the Temple Mount, the Palestinians threw stones and firecrackers at the policemen. Several Palestinians were reported to be holed up in the mosque until authorized by the police. Palestinian media reported that police forced Muslims out of the Temple Mount and closed the doors for several hours.

According to the police, there were 24 arrests. Four policemen were injured, as well as forty Palestinians. Both parties accused themselves of initiating the violence. Al-Aqsa Mosque is the third most important sanctuary for Muslims. Around the Temple Mount, which is also sacred to Jews, there are repeated clashes between Palestinians and Israeli security forces. Currently, only Muslims are allowed to pray there; Although Jews can visit the Temple Mount, they go to the Wailing Wall to pray.

Violent clashes erupted last summer following the bloody badault of Israel on the Temple Mount, with metal detectors and new surveillance cameras blocking access at the Temple Mount. After fierce protests, killing four Palestinians and wounding hundreds, Israel dismantled the facilities. Even visits by Israeli politicians to the Temple Mount had repeatedly sparked violent protests in the past.

New violence on the Gaza border

The Gaza Strip again suffered violent violence: according to the Ministry of Health of Gaza new demonstrations on the border with Israel have 14 year old and 43 year old injured by shooting deadly on the head. More than 200 others reportedly sustained injuries. The Israeli army said that she was investigating the information. About 7,000 Palestinians participated in riots along the border. They threw stones at the soldiers and set the tires on fire. Some would have damaged the fence of the border. In addition, fire dragons and balloons again caused several fires in the Israeli border area.

The situation has worsened several times over the past week, fueling fears of a new war in Gaza. Militant Palestinians fired grenades into the Israeli border area and fired at soldiers. An Israeli soldier was killed a week ago. Since then, seven Palestinians have been killed in Israeli attacks in the Gaza Strip, most of them Hamas members in the Gaza Strip.

Since the end of March, over 150 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli soldiers during demonstrations and confrontations, according to the Gaza Ministry of Health. Israel has declared that it defends only its borders. Hamas uses the protests as a cover for attacks. Palestinians have long been calling for the end of the Gazablockade, which has been going on since 2007, across Israel and Egypt. Human rights organizations point to unbearable conditions in the coastal zone, home to about two million people.

On Friday night, a 31-year-old Israeli died after a knife attack in the West Bank settlement of Adam's injuries. A 17-year-old Palestinian man had invaded the settlement on Thursday night and stabbed three Israelis with a knife. One of them shot him, said the army. After the attack, the army blocked the entrance to the village of Kubar, from where the culprit came. During the raids, the media reported confrontations with Palestinian residents.

The Israeli army displaces two other battalions in the West Bank, given the security situation. Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman also announced after the attack, the construction of 400 additional housing in the village of Adam. "The best response to terrorism is an accelerated settlement of Judea and Samaria (West Bank)," he wrote on Twitter

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