"It was like a battlefield" "kleinezeitung.at


An 88-year-old driver from Voitsberg district was fatally injured Monday in a frontal collision in the Krottendorf bypbad (B70). The road was closed to traffic for several hours.

of Katharina Siuka and Rainer Brinskelle | 17:52, November 26, 2018

"It was a battleground," says Hans Peter Sturmann of the Gaisfeld Fire Department © FF Gaisfeld

A car and a truck collided Monday morning in the morning Bypbad Krottendorf (B 70) face-to-face: the driver, an 88-year-old man from Voitsberg District, was fatally injured, the driver of the truck was not injured. "It looked like a battlefield," described Hans Peter SturmannDeputy Commander of the Gaisfeld Fire Department"We thought the accident could save someone."

Arriving on the B 70, firefighters offered a dramatic picture, the worst could suggest: "You can see the rescue on the road, the engine block is located next to the car …", says Sturmann hardly at scenario. to describe.

Cause of the accident unknown

Shortly before 9:25 am, a 48-year-old truck driver from Leibnitz District used the Krottendorf Bypbad in the direction of Graz. At the same time, the driver of the car came to meet him. According to the police, the car suddenly hit the left lane and was hit by the truck. As a result, the car was thrown against the east-facing bank and completely destroyed. For the 88 year old, any help arrived too late, he died at the scene of the accident.

The Voitsberg-Köflach Red Cross, four fire departments and the police were in service Photo © Red Cross / Robert Thormann

The truck loaded with a glbad container touched a security fence, was thrown onto the road and also bounced against the embankment. The heavy vehicle is bored directly in the embankment of the street, police said. The 48-year-old driver was slightly injured on one foot, a completed Alkotest was negative.

The B 70 was locked three and a half hours after the accident. "The recovery of the nearly 40-ton semi-trailer was complicated," says Sturmann. After the mission, firefighters from Gaisfeld and Krottendorf tried to work together to repair the accident at Rüsthaus. The firefighters Köppling and Voitsberg were also in action.

Two deaths at the same place

The detour is not really dangerous, says Sturmann. "There are fewer accidents than I had feared, the runway is flat and clear." On December 13, 2016, a head-on collision between a car and a truck occurred at the same time. location following a missed overtaking maneuver.Two men lost their lives at that time.

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