"It will be hot autumn for me"


First, the doctors fought against them in the street (health insurance reform), then 100,000 trade unionists (12 hours a day) and from the fall is the next big part of their department: the single minimum income. Minister of Social Affairs Beate Hartinger-Klein (FP) at the conference oe24.TV:

oe24.TV: They have prepared a giant bill with the consolidation of the treasury. 21 are now 5?

Beate Hartinger-Klein: Or 4, the rest is on the right track and we are working hard for the law to be made in the fall. Now, it is up to AUVA to introduce a concept to save 500 million, but not at the expense of the insured.

oe24.TV: You are not really enthusiastic with regard to AUVA, right?

Hartinger-Klein: They are already making an effort

oe24.TV: The senior gentlemen made your legs?

Hartinger-Klein: That's what you said, but you could interpret it that way. From time to time, you have to put pressure on people for them to move

oe24.TV: So you're optimistic that AUVA will introduce a concept of saving – without closing of the hospital. So he will not be dissolved?

Hartinger-Klein: Not so optimistic, he says 50:50. The deadline for the concept is August 31st. Then it is clear in which direction we are going.

oe24.TV: There are still some pieces left in the fall. For example, the guarantee of the single minimum income …

Hartinger-Klein: There will be a project in the autumn – and this with the unemployment benefit. It will also come into effect on January 1, 2019.

oe24.TV: The purpose of the government is that those who come to us have less?

Hartinger-Klein: The fact is that they have to do something: learn German, qualify for a job.

oe24.TV: Countries like Vienna are going to take storm. They must be subordinated then

Hartinger-Klein: To a certain extent, but there will be a framework – otherwise it is constitutionally impossible – where there is a margin for the countries.

OE24. TV: So you're in a hot autumn

Hartinger-Klein: Absolutely.

oe24.TV: They have the largest department and are under constant fire. How are you sticking?

Hartinger-Klein: I put off yoga

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