It will be nice next week «


According to the prognosis of the ZAMG (Central Institute of Meteorology and Geodynamics), it is sunny with a southerly föhnigen current on the mountains, but foggy in the lowlands.

on Monday

Tomorrow Monday, the fog and strong fog levels in the north and east are expected to dissipate a little faster than previously, it should remain gray in the southeast basin layers. Far from the fog, large clouds pbad, the sunlight is diffuse. Dense dust clouds are expected in Italy, especially in East Tyrol and Upper Carinthia where it rains again and again. The wind blows weak to moderate along the north föhnigen face of the Alps and in the often bustling alpine foothills from east to south. Early temperatures of three to twelve degrees, afternoon temperatures depending on the fog, the sun and a hair dryer between nine and 21 degrees.


On Tuesday, the clouds are thickest and thickest in the south and south-west, with some rainfall in East Tyrol and Carinthia. Otherwise, the sun will shine again and again, the fog and the high fields of fog will be much smaller in the morning and then disappear completely. The intense fog expected in the south-east of the country is more persistent. At the foot of the mountain and alpine foothills, it is föhnig, also between Upper Austria and northern Burgenland, blowing partly moderate wind from east to south. Early temperatures between four and 13 years, maximum daily between eleven and 21 degrees. The warmest is in the Föhn valleys of the northern Alps.


Wednesday, the southern side of the Alps is cloudy, sometimes raining in the southwest. The snow limit is 2200 meters above sea level. North of the Alps, on the other hand, it is ventilated loosely, crossing fields of high and sometimes dense clouds allowing only a temporary sunshine. Otherwise, there are thick and persistent fog fields in the east and southeast over the lowlands. The wind blows weak to moderate, east and blows foehn, also animated from south-east to south. Early temperatures of four to eleven degrees, daily maximums of ten to 20 degrees.


On Thursday, the strong current temporarily turns to the west and a weak fault zone crosses the area. Mists and high fog fields over the lowlands are replaced by dense clouds. During the day, usually cloudy and sunny sections alternate. It may rain a little, especially in the west and north. The snow limit is between 1,700 and 2,000 meters above sea level. Otherwise, it usually stays dry. The wind turns to the west but only moderately refreshes in the Danube region. Early temperatures of four to eleven degrees, daily maximums of ten to 16 degrees.


Friday, the strong current returns to the southwest, the influx of fresh air continues. Due to the strong pressure on the ground, the weather is sunny enough, especially in the mountains, in many places. Above the lowlands and pelvic areas, however, fog and thick fog fields extend and often persist. The wind blows weak to moderate from east to south. Early temperatures of two to ten degrees, daily maximums of eight to 16 degrees.


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