Italy wants new rules for EU operations in the Mediterranean


Italy wants to push for a change in the rules for EU missions aimed at saving refugees in the Mediterranean. Rescue vessels were to bring migrants to all ports, not only Italian, said Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio today in an interview with Radio RAI 1.

"As long as the EUNAVFORD mission rest, the ships have to land in Italy.Our goal is to change the rules, "said Deputy Prime Minister.Germany also began to change its migration policy." The problem has penetrated the heart of the country. # 39; Europe. This applies to migration as well as to austerity. According to Di Maio, the Italian Interior Minister, Matteo Salvini, wants to prevent not only private refugee retreats from entering Italian ports, but also ships from international missions operating in the Mediterranean. With his proposal, the Minister of the Interior conflicts with the Ministry of Defense in Rome. He claims that Salvini, as Minister of the Interior, is not responsible for the EUNAVFORMED vessels.

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