"It's enough for me!" Security officer wants to shut down Welser problem disco


"It's enough for me!" Security officer wants to shut down Welser problem disco

WELS. Deputy Mayor Gerhard Kroi is fed up with another incident in the Feeling.

Threats to the bomb, shouting, shooting: The disco "Feeling" in Wels-Pernau is considered a disco problem. Image: Matthias Lauber

It was the fourth major police operation in the disco "Feeling" this year. In the disco Wels-Pernau, attended mainly by foreign visitors, a huge butcher had arrived Saturday night. According to the police, six people were injured. The Red Cross provided the Streithhne and took her to the Wels Clinic. There were new riots. And again, the police had to split the conflicting parties.

"That's enough for me!" Replied Gerhard Kroi (FP) annoyed. After the repeated riots, he was invited to a round table next Wednesday. It requires severe consequences that could last until the closure of the premises. "The police must increase the pressure to control, until the host is out of order," said deputy mayor Wels. For the round table, representatives of the police and the professions were appointed. "I do not know the operators, but they should be there." According to Kroi, the "feeling" of restaurateurs in the former Yugoslavia is being washed away.

A police action focused on the arrival and departure to the discotheque could begin in the best case next weekend. Since there is currently no sufficient reason to legally prohibit the premises, curfew reduction must be controlled. The weekend slogan had also shown that the local operator had not engaged enough qualified security forces. The quota must be increased.

Chronology of intervals

In February, the police received a bomb alert, the appearance of singer Mile Kitic. The executive had to evacuate 200 guests. The search for a bomb remained unsuccessful. Two hours later, visitors were allowed to enter the restaurant. A little later, they posted their first videos of the concert with the ironic note "Bomb atmosphere". In June, 400 guests had to be fired after a stranger threatened to blow up a stimulus bomb. After 80 minutes everything was clear. Nothing has been found.

In a tumult in front of the discotheque with fifteen participants, several blows fell in October shortly before midnight. Nobody was hurt. The shots were fired with pistols. The restaurant was rumored. The police were able to arrest and control seven people. Nobody was arrested.

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