Ivanka Trump joins her fashion company


July 24: Ivanka Trump abandons a fashion company

According to US media, Ivanka Trump abandons her fashion brand, which is caught between the fronts in the wake of her father's presidency. The company's 18 employees have already been informed that the deal will be canceled, writes The Wall Street Journal. The Washington Post and other US media also cited a statement by Ivanka Trump stating that the closure was "the only fair result for my team and my partners". Ivanka Trump took over the business after her father's choice to become a White House consultant. "After 17 months in Washington, I do not know when and if I go back to the company," the statement said. The fashion line was quickly becoming a toy for political interests – Trump's opponents were calling for a boycott, followers to buy. Some US retailers, such as the department store chain Nordstrom, have put Ivanka's fashion out of the badortment and have therefore been heavily attacked by Donald Trump.

24. July: Trump feeds debate on Russian influence

US President

Donald Trump
fueled the debate on alleged Russian meddling in the presidential election. In a Twitter message, Trump was convinced Tuesday that Russia would step in to the congressional elections in the fall to help opposition Democrats.

"I am very worried that

will fight very hard to influence the next elections," writes the Republican. "Since no president has been harder for Russia than me, they will fight very hard to push the Democrats, they do not want Trump especially!", He added.

I am very worried that Russia wants to be very difficult to have an impact on the upcoming election. Based on the fact that no president has been harder towards Russia than me, they are pushing for Democrats. They certainly do not want Trump!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 24. July 2018

The news was the latest in a series of partly contradictory statements by Trump after the summit with the Russian president

Vladimir Putin
last week in Helsinki.

Putin denied any interference in the 2016 US presidential election at a joint press conference with Trump. Trump described Putin's denunciation as "extremely strong and powerful", publicly opposing US intelligence estimates that such interference was proven. He has been heavily criticized for this. Several times, the US president then made clear statements or refused them.

Trump repeatedly stated that no one is more "hard" than Russia. The statement contradicts his current course. Although his government has imposed sanctions on Moscow or provided weapons to Ukraine, Trump is not the driving force behind this policy. It also undermines the line of his government again and again – for example, leaving the future of annexation by the open Crimean peninsula in Crimea

23. July: Donald Trump warns the Iranian president against the United States. "Never threaten the United States again, or you will experience consequences like those you experienced in history a few years ago," writes Trump on Monday night

. "We are no longer a country that will accept your crazy words of violence and death, be careful!" Trump continued.

The US president announced in May that the United States

would withdraw from the nuclear deal with Iran and fully reinstate sanctions against Iranian financial institutions and the industry. energy from here November. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made a speech Sunday in Los Angeles to support this change and called for global economic pressure on Iran. At the same time, he highlighted anti-government protests in the Islamic Republic since December and criticized Iran's policies in the region as destabilizing.

Trump's tweet begins with the words: "An Iranian President Ruhani". The rest of the text was written in capital letters by the President of the United States.

To Iran's President Rouhani: NEVER, NEVER THREATEN THE UNITED STATES WHERE YOU HAVE CONSEQUENCES THAT HAVE ALWAYS SUFFERED FROM ANYTHING HISTORY. We are no longer a country that wants to stand up for your words of violence and death.

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 23, 2018

July 22: A fighter jet takes the plane at the Trump Golf Course

A fighter jet of 39 US Air Force has a light aircraft in the near private golf club of Donald Trump, where currently resides the US president. The civilian aircraft had not been approved for the airspace in question in the state of New Jersey, Air Force Command said.

Eventually, the plane escorted by an F16 jet landed without further incident and the pilot was received by law enforcement. Trump had gone down Friday to the Bedminster Village Golf Club and wanted to stay there until Sunday. Since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, US aviation has intercepted more than 1,800 civil aircraft for security purposes.

21. July: Donald Trump indignant by investigator and ex-lawyer

US President Donald Trump has made serious accusations against his ex-lawyer and his investigators in the matter of silence. The bottom is a secret snapshot of lawyer Michael Cohen during a conversation with Trump. The investigators had registered during a search at the law firm. "It's inconceivable that the government is going into an early morning law office – outright outrageous – it's even more inconceivable that a lawyer will register his client – totally outrageous and possibly illegal." The good news is that the president is supportive of you Nothing wrong has done, "tweeted Trump.In the specific case, it's about an alleged Trumps case with playmate Karen McDougal at Trump's lawyer, Rudolph Giuliani, told The New York Times that Trump had talked about payments to Cohen – but ultimately, no money had been stolen.

Inconceivable the government burst into an attorney's office (early morning) – almost unheard of – even more inconceivable than a lawyer being a client – totally new and possibly illegal. Nothing Wrong!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 21, 2018

July 21: NFL Anthem Dispute: Donald Trump seeks a suspension

US President
Donald Trump does not let fall in the anthem conflict with the American Football League NFL. On Friday
(local time), he called for a severe crackdown on protests by playing the national anthem and took league chief Roger Goodell into the duty: "The $ 40 million commissioner must take a stand, "writes Trump on Twitter Referring to Goodell's annual salary. Kneeling for the first time – a suspension of play, the second time on the knees – suspension for the whole season, without pay! "

The NFL National Anthem Debate is still – can not believe it! Is it not in the contract that players have to stand guard-to-be? you, your hand on your heart? The Commissioner of $ 40,000,000 must now take a stand First time on his knees, released for game Second kneeling, out of season / no pay!

– Donald J. Trump ( @realDonaldTrump) 20. July 2018

Two years ago, San Francisco quarterback Colin Kaepernick became the first NFL player to beat the US national anthem. put up a sign against inequality, racism, police violence against blacks – and launched a real wave.Many athletes also joined the American football at the height of the dispute, there were about 200 football professionals
. Their crooked knees divide the league and the audience – and have also called US President Donald Trump on the plane
who cursed players on Twitter and in speeches as "damn son" and demanded their dismissal by the club bosses. The league has announced a new rule allowing NFL players to wait in the locker room during the national anthem playing in the upcoming season. However, this was suspended Thursday (local time). In a joint announcement
the NFL and the NFLPA Players' Union announced that they were working on the proper treatment of the debate on the national anthem and that the new regulation would only be valid until the end of the year. to the resolution. all Chinese imports

Donald Trump has threatened punitive tariffs on all goods imported from the People's Republic of China in the trade dispute with China. "I'm ready to go to 500," Trump said in an interview Friday with the US broadcaster CNBC. He then talked about $ 505.5 billion, which is the sum of China's imports to the United States last year.

19th July: Trump makes another move after the summit with Putin – plans to meet again

US President Donald Trump rejects after indignation inter-Party now, but an audience of US citizens by investigators Russian's. That's what Trump spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said Thursday in Washington.

The background is a suggestion made by Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin on Monday at the summit with Trump in Helsinki. According to the US Special Investigator Robert Mueller is expected to hear twelve Russians, that he had indicted for cyber-attacks in connection with the US elections in 2016. In turn, Putin demanded that the Russian authorities be allowed to hear the former US ambbadador to Russia, Michael McFaul, and businessman Bill Browder. Browder had managed to push for sanctions against Russia in 2012.

Trump had spoken at the press conference with Putin on Monday about an "incredible proposal". In the face of protests, Trump receded Thursday. President Putin had made the proposal seriously, but President Trump was not in agreement, said spokeswoman Trump Sanders. Let's hope that President Putin will let the twelve Russians come to the United States to prove their innocence.

The US Senate voted against 98 votes to 0 in a non-binding resolution on Thursday demanding that Russian or former diplomats, officials or representatives of US forces be questioned by the Russian government.

Despite persistent criticism of Putin's summit, Trump wants to meet the Kremlin leader in Washington. The White House said the talks are "under way". Trump spokeswoman Sarah Sanders added that the president had informed his national security advisor, John Bolton, to invite Putin to a meeting in the US capital between September and December.

19th July: Donald Trump qualifies as "unacceptable" Russian interference in Putin

US President Donald Trump declared unacceptable Russian interference in US negotiations with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki. "I let him know that we can not tolerate that," Trump told CBS.

Trump is currently trying to stem the indignation of his performance with Putin in the Finnish capital.

July: backtracking: Donald Trump contradicts his badessment of his intelligence services in Russia

US President Donald Trump once again fueled controversy over his stance on Russia. Asked by a reporter if Russia is still targeting the United States, Trump responded, "Thank you, no." When asked if he did not think that was the case, Trump again replied, "No". Thus, the president objected to an evaluation of his intelligence services.

US intelligence coordinator Dan Coats said Friday: "The warning lights are blinking red again, and the digital infrastructure is literally under attack today." Every day, "foreign actors" such as Russia, China, Iran or North Korea have committed cyberattacks against US targets. Russia was "without a doubt the most aggressive foreign actor."

Trump met for the first time in Helsinki on Monday with a summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The news broadcaster Fox Trump said that he does not consider Russia the biggest opponent.

17. July: Donald Trump admits Russian interference in US election campaign

US President Donald Trump accepts, in his words, US intelligence findings that Russia is behind hacker attacks during the 2016 election campaign. "Let me be perfectly clear: I accept the conclusion of our intelligence services," Trump told the White House cameras.

Trump had spoken at a joint press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday, in a way that cast serious doubts on intelligence findings that Russia is responsible for cyberattacks. This sparked outrage among US politicians and the US media.

However, Trump argued that he had promised at the press conference. He had meant that he saw "no reason" why it was "not" Russia, that Russia was behind. He accidentally omitted the "no".

A video of Trump's statement published, among other things, the American magazine "Politico":

Trump said that he meant "I do not see why he would not be Russia" , instead of "would" during the controversial summit of Helsinki pic.twitter.com/R74brNEVR2

– POLITICO (@politico) 17. July 2018

However, Trump also said at the press conference that Putin's claim that Russia had nothing to do with cyber-attacks was "extremely strong and powerful." Hacker attacks during the election campaign were directed against the American Democrats and the environment of their presidential candidate Hillary Clinton

The political heavyweights of Republicans and Democrats of opposition had strongly criticized the position of Trump on Putin., July: The return of Trump in 2020? – "That's it my full intention "

US President Donald Trump is internally determined for another term, according to his statements in a new interview. British TV reporter Piers Morgan, who calls himself a friend of Trump, met with the head of state for a discussion in his government Air Force One machine. According to statements published by the tabloid "Mail on Sunday," Trump answered the question of whether he would vote again for the presidential election in 2020: "It's my intention, all of world seems to want it. " [19659006] The 72-year-old man has, since his swearing in January 2017, repeatedly stated that he would not leave it to an end. The fact that the "all wish," however, brushing against Morgan's "strong false news" sentiment, as the journalist commented in his not-so-soberly held experiment, is on board the president's machine – the flying epicenter of world power.

Does he know a politician from the ranks of American Democrats who could take him in 2020 and move to his home instead of the White House? "No," Trump replied. "I do not see anyone, I know them all, and I do not see anyone."

Morgan seems to have something to gain from this perspective – after all, he has deep sympathy for this man, "even though I disagree with everything he says and does". This would probably give him more interviews with the most powerful man in the world, whom he already wants to have "at least 35" – most of them before Trump 's political change. "Our longstanding friendship is the reason I'm the only British TV reporter he talks to."

13. July: Trump names his own "Sun" Interview "Fake News"

Donald Trump has called with him an interview of the British tabloid "The Sun" about Brexit as "Fake News". That's what Trump said at a press conference at a joint press conference with British Prime Minister Theresa May in their Checkers area. Excerpts from the interview, which was published in the night to Friday, had caused a scandal. Trump vehemently criticized May for his course in the Brexit negotiations. Their strategy is not what the British voted, criticizes Trump. He would have done it differently, but May had not listened to it. Trump threatened in the interview openly with the failure of any trade agreement between the two countries. Trump does not usually question Sun's report. The story was "generally good," but she omitted the "positive comments" that he made about May. The White House will therefore take all the interviews in the future.

13. July: Trump loses 300,000 followers to Twitter

  53.1 million followers of Donald Trump - 300,000 less than Thursday

Twitter cleans up: The account of US President Donald Trump has now 53, 1 million followers on. That's about 300,000 less than before.

What's going on? US President Donald Trump has lost more than 300,000 subscribers on Twitter. Are you all bored by the messages from the president? No, the reason is a cleaning action on the short message service. While nearly 53.4 million users were tracking @realDonaldTrump on Wednesday, it was only 53.1 million per day later.

Twitter had announced on Wednesday that it would deduct blocked accounts from subscriber numbers in order to increase trust in the platform. Most users will lose only a handful of followers, he said. With some popular profiles, however, it could become a lot more. Trump's Twitter account is such an example.

In total, there are tens of millions of accounts, which accounts for six percent of Twitter subscribers. The service has long sought to crack down on fake profiles that spread spam and political propaganda, among other things.

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North Korean leader Kim Jong Un (left) And US President Donald Trump

12. July: Trump publishes Kim's letter of appreciation

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has signed a letter of thanks to Donald Trump, according to the White House. The US president has published the Korean language letter signed on Kims on Twitter. In a letter dated July 6, Kim describes the joint summit with Trump on June 12 in Singapore as the beginning of a "memorable trip". "I firmly believe that the strong will, the sincere efforts and the extraordinary efforts and the unique approach of myself and His Excellency the President, which aim to open a new future between the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the United States, certainly fruit, "says the English translation of the article.Kim also expresses hope for a renewed meeting with Trump and speaks of" breakthroughs "that have been made. describes the letter in his comment on Twitter as a "very good comment" of Kim. "Great progress is being made," he said.

12. July: The Prime Minister of Luxembourg mocks the behavior of Donald Trump on Twitter after the NATO summit

Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel mocked Trump's behavior on Twitter. "He has Wifi in the plane, so we'll have to check it" , he said at the summit of l & # 3 NATO to Brussels

To launch the two-day summit, US President Donald Trump intensified on Wednesday the conflict over defense spending in NATO countries, targeting Germany in particular. He accused the federal government not only of spending too little for the Bundeswehr, but also of strengthening Russia with billions of dollars of gas transactions – notably on the Russian-Russian Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project. therefore "prisoner" of Russia. A joint statement has nevertheless been made.

Bettels joked about whether it was still valid after the departure of the US president. One hint: After the G7 summit, Trump had withdrawn his consent to the declaration of the summit of the plane – via Twitter.

11. July: Trump urges NATO states to spend 4% of their military spending

US President Donald Trump has called his allies at NATO summit to spend twice as much for defense as the US Alliance had planned for the future. Trump had demanded at the meeting of 29 NATO leaders not only to comply with the two per cent defense spending commitment, said his spokesman, Sarah Sanders. As at the NATO summit last year, he suggested that member states increase spending to 4%. "President Trump wants our allies to carry a greater share of the burden," said Sanders. "The absolute minimum" is to fulfill the commitments already made. However, in their launching statement, Heads of State and Government reaffirmed their decision of the 2014 NATO Summit in Wales, according to which military spending is expected to increase by 2% of domestic product Gross (GDP) in a decade and 20% Utilize weapons projects.

9. July: Trump Appoints Ultra-Conservative Judges as Predicted

Donald Trump appointed Conservative Federal Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court – which brought the Supreme Court to the right. The President of the United States praised the lawyer as a judge for "impeccable credentials" and "unparalleled qualifications". He called on the Senate to give his "quick" approval to his candidate. Kavanaugh is currently serving in a federal court of appeal in Washington. He worked as a legal advisor to President George W. Bush. The decision of the Trump staff was not a surprise. Kavanaugh has been hailed by American media in recent days as one of the favorites to succeed Supreme Justice Anthony Kennedy, who is retiring in late July.

July: A California court requests the list of migrant children from the US government

A California court gave a day to the US administration Donald Trump to produce a list of all immigrant children under five separated from their parents. Federal Judge Dana Sabraw has set a deadline for the US government Friday until Saturday night, a government official said. The government had previously asked the court for an extension of time to bring together migrant families.

  Donald Trump: California Court Requires List of Immigrant Children of US Government

US President Donald Trump (press photo) under pressure: His government must submit a list of all immigrant children under five separated from their parents

When families go to school are separated from the authorities after the illegal crossing of the border, they must be reunited. Therefore, children under five must be back with their parents until next Tuesday, the rest before July 26th.

The US government has now requested an extension. The Ministry of Health is working "tirelessly" to bring detained minors back with their parents, as requested by the government. However, in some cases, despite the DNA tests applied, deadlines are not respected.

According to the government, more than 2,300 minors were affected by family divisions, with about one in five under five years of age. Following a public outcry, Trump stopped the rigorous practice on June 20 – most of the children are now being held with their parents.

The American Civil Liberties Organization (ACLU) is suing the federal San Diego court against the separation of the family, hailed the judge's decision. With the required list, the judge "made it very clear that he will not allow the Trump government to give time to reunite families," the organization said

. July: The Soundtrack of the Conflict: Trump's Minister of Foreign Affairs Brings a Gift to Kim

During his Visit to North Korea, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Wants to Arrest Leader Kim Jong Un with a CD of Elton John. ) surprise. The CD must allude to the name of "Little Rocket Man", with which US President Donald Trump had mentioned Kim and his rocket program many times last year. Pompeo, who landed in Pyongyang on Friday, brought a letter from Trump with him, the South Korean newspaper Chosun Ilbo reported, citing unnamed sources in Washington. The information initially remained unconfirmed.

Kim also skipped the "Rocketman" designation at its summit meeting with Trump in Singapore on June 12. On the question of Trump, if he knew the tube "Rocket Man", Kim responded with "No". Trump remembered this, and Pompeo had received the CD in question, the newspaper wrote.

  Donald Trump Scott Pruitt

Donald Trump and Scott Pruitt announce the release of the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement in the summer of 2017

5. July: Pruitt, chief environmental protection officer for the United States, resigns

Scott Pruitt, director of environmental protection in the United States, resigned after a series of scandals. President Donald Trump said on Twitter that he had accepted Pruitt's resignation. In his tenure of less than a year and a half, the head of the EPO was repeatedly hit in the newspapers by accusations that he would have thrown taxpayers' money and abused his interests. personal. Trump congratulated Pruitt for doing a "remarkable job". Despite the wave of reproaches, Trump had long shown no distance to Pruitt. Pruitt had faithfully set up the president's course to loosen environmental regulations and promote the coal industry. But over the course of the month, Pruitt talked about travel expenses and his desire for extra security and exceptional salary increases for trusted advisors. Renting it with the wife of a lobbyist who was in negotiations with the EPA also caused a stir

… Monday, as the acting director of the l & # 39; EPA. Andy wants to continue with our great and lasting EPA agenda.

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 5, 2018

5. July: Giant baby inflatable trump on London during presidential visit

A giant baby-shaped balloon with the face of US President Donald Trump allowed flying over the city in protest during his visit to London. The mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has given the green light, said the organizers of the action. The six meter high orange trumpet with bib will float during the visit between 9.30am and 11.30am local time, not far from the parliament, at a height of 30 meters. "The mayor supports the right to peaceful protests and understands that they can have different forms," ​​said a spokesman. However, permission did not come easily: first, the Trump baby was not recognized as a serious protest, said militant Leo Murray Sky News broadcaster. "But thanks to the great public support for our plan, the mayor's office seems to have rediscovered its sense of humor," Murray said.

July: Trump will consider the invasion of Venezuela

Last August, Donald Trump would have questioned his foreign policy advisers about the possibility of invading Venezuela. This is reported by the AP News Agency. For the first time at a meeting at the Oval Office, he would have played with the idea of ​​invasion when it came to sanctions against Venezuela. To everyone's surprise, he asked whether the United States could not just walk there because of the unrest. The report on the aforementioned conversation would come from an American official who knows the content, AP writes. In response to the report, Venezuelan leader Nicolás Maduro called for the vigilance of the country's army. That should not be "for a second" to calm down, he asked Wednesday during a military event. It was important to defend "life in peace". Maduro said that he is now confirmed in his suspicion that the United States was planning a military attack on Venezuela in order to access the country's large oil reserves.

2. July: Trump Cohen's former lawyer indicates his departure from the president

Former US President Donald Trump's personal adviser said in an interview that he was perhaps ready to testify against the President. "My loyalty goes first to my wife, my daughter and my son and it will always be like that," Cohen told ABC. US media interpret the statement that the lawyer no longer wants, if necessary, that Trump accepts a sentence of imprisonment and thus overwhelms his family.

Cohen is considered a key figure in the case of former bad star Stormy Daniels. It is suspected that Trump, with the help of Cohen in the final stages of the 2016 election campaign, poured silent money to the woman so as not to let her have an affair with her. Meanwhile, FBI investigators searched Cohen's office and private rooms for material. We do not know if these are things that can affect Trump.

2. July: Trump crushes in his golf club

Gerald Papa, Jenna Buchholtz and their wedding party were surprised when Donald Trump suddenly stood in front of them last Friday. The couple celebrated their wedding at the Trump National Golf Course in Bedminster Township when the President of the United States arrived by helicopter to play a few rounds of golf.

And Trump is given near the people. He shook his hand diligently, posed for photos, congratulated the wedding couple, and pecked the bride's cheek.

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