Judaism: An attack on a synagogue with eleven dead causes horror in the United States


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Trump talks to reporters about the synagogue attack Trump talks to reporters about the synagogue attack

Trump talks to reporters about the synagogue attack

Source: AFP

The most lethal anti-Semitic act in the country's history

eIt is the most lethal act of anti-Semitic violence in US history: a heavily armed badailant killed at least 11 people in a Pittsburgh synagogue on Saturday. According to local authorities, six other people were injured, including four policemen. The alleged perpetrator was arrested. US President Donald Trump condemned "the violent anti-Semitic attack". Assbadination has also caused international horror.

The attacker had opened fire at a baptismal ceremony of a baby on the Sabbath. According to media reports, it would be "All Jews must die!" roared. According to the authorities, he was armed with an badault rifle and at least three hand grenades. After a shootout with the police, he was arrested and taken to the hospital.

The attack in the Pennsylvania Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh was "probably the deadliest of the antisemitic attacks in the history of the United States," said Anti-Defamation League (ADL), an anti-Semitic organization surveillance and anti-Semitism.

US President Donald Trump has strongly condemned the attack on the synagogue. There should be "no tolerance for anti-Semitism" or other forms of religious hatred, Trump said. "This vicious anti-Semitic attack is an attack on us all."

The president called for solidarity with Jews in the United States and the fight against anti-Semitism and hatred. Trump has announced his intention to travel to Pittsburgh soon and has ordered the flags to be half-masted in public buildings in the United States by next Wednesday. Near the Tree of Life Synagogue, dozens of residents gathered for a vigil.

The alleged offender is Robert Bowers, 46, of Pittsburgh. The US Department of Justice said that he was claiming the death penalty for his author. Bowers has been formally charged with several crimes, including the fatal use of firearms in eleven cases.

Bowers would be the author of a series of anti-Semitic messages published primarily in a right portal. In a Bowers entrance, posted a few hours before the badbadination attempt, the organization helping Jewish refugees Hias is attacked: "Hias likes to attract invaders who kill our people and I can not sit down and watch the mbadacre of my people bad your point of view, I will enter. "

Community member Stephen Weiss reported in interviews that he had heard dozens of shots fired from the temple hall. A local woman told CNN that her daughter had run up the stairs with other visitors to the synagogue and had barricaded her to the ground floor when the first shots were fired. learned. Wendell Hissrich, director of urban safety, said that there was a "terrible" show in the church after the bloody murder.

The attack on the synagogue has also been strongly condemned internationally. "I mourn the dead of Pittsburgh, apparently victims of a blind anti-Semitic hatred," said Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) on the Twitter online service. "We must all resist anti-Semitism – everywhere."

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he was shocked by "the brutal antisemitic brutality". UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and French President Emmanuel Macron have also condemned this act. The French Minister of the Interior, Christophe Castaner, ordered to reinforce the security devices around French synagogues.

It is already the second seemingly political act of violence that is shaking the United States at the end of the election campaign for next Tuesday's congressional elections. In previous days, 13 trapped letters had been intercepted, addressed to prominent critics of Trump, including former President Barack Obama and former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. The alleged explosive dispatcher, a 56-year-old man from the state of Florida, was arrested Friday.

Since the bombs appeared, Trump faces serious accusations that he contributes to the country's political climate with his often aggressive and controversial rhetoric. After the attack on the synagogue, he announced that he wanted to change his tone.

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