Juncker calls short on arrogant stage – News


Austria took the presidency of the EU – on the occasion for Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) and the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, to hold a joint meeting media in Vienna on Friday.


Short dive in front of Junckers Kussattacke

A video clip shows how Juncker was extremely tough on the Chancellor. When Kurz expressed his optimism that the new agreed course on refugee policy could still be implemented during the Austrian presidency, Juncker let out a sigh

"Do not act so bluntly"

"The Commission has done its job President of the Council, I would not be so arrogant," said the Austrian Chancellor correctly. If you can not compromise, you should simply agree with the Commission's proposals, Mr Juncker said.

In the past, the President of the Council has repeatedly praised Kurz. More recently, he had certified it to properly fulfill the role of the European "bridge builder".

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