Juncker discussing the meeting with Trump


These are words that could have come from US President Donald Trump. But she said: "I have come to an agreement – and we have an agreement," said Jean-Claude Juncker after hours of negotiations with Trump at the White House on Wednesday. But in retrospect, it becomes clear on what ridiculous thread the agreement has long been suspended:

"Why did the agreement fail? Because the Americans put mbadive pressure, especially the president , so that agricultural issues Juncker now admits in an interview with the ARD European Studio Brussels.The president of the European Commission has remained firm: all agricultural products except soy are exempt from the law. customs agreement now negotiated with the US What should rebadure European farmers? Do not they have to fear American competition?

"The conversation was friendly" [19659004TheEuropeansstillgotthe"deal"AsuccessthataccordingtoJunckerisalsoduetoalingeringinfluenceonDonaldTrumpHehasrepeatedlypredictedtotheUSpresidentthattheUS-iftheUSweaddservices-donotmakecNegativetradewithEuropebutrealizeasurplus:"HehasalwaysdeniedthesefiguresuntilIcanprovetohimthatthesearethefiguresofAmericanstatisticiansandtheconversationwasfriendly"hesaidsaidJuncker

At the end of negotiations, it was the US president, the Twitter message broadcast a now legendary photo: It shows Trump and Juncker hugging each other and Europeans kissing Americans on the cheek: " Incredibly different from my usual behavior, the initiative did not work for me, and I did not know that a photographer was in the oval office.But he summed up well the atmosphere of the moment ", explains the head of the commission in the interview of the ARD. Juncker is known in Brussels for giving hugs and kisses to almost all official guests, even in front of cameras. Apparently it was not the Luxemburger, who took over the active part this time. And anyway: for Juncker, it was the first kiss with Trump

"The continuation of an old friendship"

The American president, who two weeks earlier had qualified Europeans for "Opponents", now praises Juncker as "stubborn, very good, very intelligent man" and said that the US and the EU "love it."

"For me, the agreement – the agreement – with Mr. Trump means not the beginning of a new friendship, but following an old friendship," explained Mr. Juncker [19659009Intheendsoyalsohelpedtomaterializethelong-standingagreement"Itwasaninspirationfromthemomentthatworked"saysJuncker"SoywantstheEUtonowbuysAmericanfarmersingreaternumbersisthepromise:

"Who thinks that the Commission could dispose of who matters what from where, overestimates the possibilities of the Commission."

No genetically modified soya Modified in Europe

This clearly shows Juncker that Brussels can not just bad the individual EU states and force them to buy American soybeans.It is supposed to be the price going down. something else Juncker realized was that genetically modified soy would not be imported into the EU, was not part of the agreement.

It remains to be seen if the agreement with a sometimes erratic American president for Europeans is reliable. "I guess this agreement holds," says Juncker. After all, they went with an "act of faith" in the "exhausting" talks. A key indicator for the further development of EU-US relations will likely be to know if they greet each other next time with kisses.

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