Juncker refuses to resign after Vilmsky's request


million. Juncker gained the confidence of the European Parliament and the European Council when he was appointed, the spokesman for the Brussels authority told a relevant question from journalists. The contact person for the EU Commission is the Austrian Government and "not individuals". There is currently no contact with Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP).

The spokesman for the Commission also pointed out that a "productive meeting" between the European Commission and the Austrian Federal Government had taken place recently. The European Commission will continue to work for a strong and productive exchange. Austria has been President of the EU Council since the beginning of July until the end of the year.

Vilimsky confirmed this weekend his call for the resignation of the President of the European Commission, Juncker, and his suspicions on Friday. The European Commission responded to the reports, noting that Juncker, suffering from back problems for years, had an acute sciatic sprain on Wednesday.

A video revealed that Juncker is helping with the "family photo" "Impossible to get on the podium before the gala dinner of NATO.He hesitated and was supported by several heads of government.Later, there were photos of the head of the European Commission in a wheelchair.

From the Federal Chancellery it was said again on Monday that you did not want to comment on Vilimsky's statements Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl (FPÖ) also stressed that it was not addressed Monday to the EU Foreign Affairs Council in Brussels, "this is by no means a problem." And: " I do not comment on that. "

Vilimsky jumped on the side of his Liberal Party colleagues In his Monday morning paper, Co-Secretary General Christian Hafeneker said," If I have a sciatic attack – I've already had one – you're in a corner, dying and stumbling hant in the area, trying to overthrow the heads of state but you are busy with yourself. "Vilimsky had only talked about what a lot of people had thought about a missing viral video, and he said the video was" constantly "hidden by the" system-underrated media ", said Hafenecker

Vice-Chancellor and FPO leader Heinz-Christian Strache also shared a link with the newspaper Saturday on his private Facebook page Junker's Stupor: Vilimsky adds "and his comment:" I think anyone who saw the video images in person, can make his own image! " Among them, he literally writes: "Sciatica is badociated with great pain and you certainly have a painful and not cheerful facial expression!"

European Commissioner Johannes Hahn, the head of the ÖVP delegation in the EU Parliament, Othmar Karas, and the SPÖ as well as the list of mushrooms. Both opposition parties on Monday called for an action by the leader of the ÖVP against his coalition partner. SPÖ spokesperson in Europe, Jörg Leichtfried, wrote in a press release: "These absurd derailments testify to the sluggishness of some of the freedom that can not even be retained during the Austrian presidency of EU: When will Chancellor Sebastian Kurz finally intervene to end this show more than unworthy of the government and stop fleeing? Everything goes under his responsibility. "


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