Katarina Barley wants to bring more women to the Bundestag | TIME ONLINE


The Federal Minister of Justice, Katarina Barley (SPD) wants to work for a change of the suffrage and therefore the proportion of women in the Bundestag increase. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of women's suffrage in Germany, the minister said in an interview with the Photo on sunday different ways of giving more women political office in the future.

The proportion of women in the Bundestag had fallen to around 30%, barleyYou do it despite the "real worries that we are just backing down" in the experience of equality. In Europe, the rules on gender parity in Parliament are different. In France, for example, lists of party candidates alternately show men and women. Another way of getting more women into parliament, according to Barley, is "larger constituencies of two directly elected members of different bades".

"From the government bank, I look at the factions of the AfD, the FDP and the CDU / CSU." There is often a multitude of gray suits, the proportion of women being between 10 and a little more than 20%, "said the Barley newspaper, which could not be changed by a new one. vote,

Women must regroup

The SPD politician has called on the secretary general of the CDU, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, to negotiate an electoral reform: "The most important thing is that women come together for this, who will go with the Greens and the left . " But Kramp-Karrenbauer had already mentioned a law on parity. "I'll take it at your word." In the fight for the presidency of the party of CDU Kramp-Karrenbauer is currently focusing on the importance of women in politics. "Without women, there is no state to be created," said Rita Suessmuth, the honorary president of the Women's Union, during an appearance in front of the party's headquarters. . She added: "Without women, no election to win".

On Monday, the anniversary of the introduction of women's suffrage at the German Historical Museum Berlin will be honored with a ceremony at which Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) will deliver a speech. The active and pbadive voting rights of women in Germany was proclaimed on 12 November 1918 by the "Council of People's Representatives" of the time – the interim government until the first elections – in a draft law legal nature. The first election, in which women had the right to vote and election, was the election of the Weimar National Assembly on January 19, 1919. New Zealand was the first country to introduce women's suffrage in 1893, followed by Finland in 1906 and Norway in 1913.

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