Khashoggi strangled after entering the consulate


Nearly four weeks after Jamal Khashoggi's disappearance in Istanbul, Turkey has named the presumed cause of death. All information in the news blog.

Jamal Khashoggi had been missing since 2 October, after entering his country's consulate in Istanbul. In the meantime, it is clear: he did not leave the house alive. Khashoggi was killed there.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan speaks of a brutal murder planned and refers to the findings of his investigators. Follow the latest developments on the news blog.

++ 31st October: Turkish justice calls the cause of death ++

Jamal Khashoggi was strangled by Turkish justice shortly after he entered the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul. Subsequently, the 59-year-old was dismembered, said the Istanbul prosecutor. Discussions with the Saudi Attorney General on the case have not resulted in "concrete results" in recent days.

++ October 27: Riad refuses to extradite suspects ++

Saudi Arabia does not want to extradite suspects arrested in the Khashoggi case in Turkey. They are Saudi citizens, Riad Foreign Affairs Minister Adel al-Dzhubir said Saturday at a conference in Manama, the capital of Bahrain. "They are being held in Saudi Arabia, the investigation is taking place in Saudi Arabia and they are being prosecuted in Saudi Arabia," he added.

Turkey had requested Friday the extradition of the 18 suspects arrested in connection with the killing of Khashoggi at the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul in early October.

On Thursday, the Saudi Attorney General's office, referring to the Turkish investigation, described the killing of Khashoggi for the first time as a deliberately planned act. The official version of the death sentence handed down in Riyadh says that Khashoggi died during a "fist fight" during a visit to the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul. However, this presentation is strongly questioned at the international level.

Saudi Attorney General Saud Bin Abdullah al-Muadschab will travel to Istanbul on Sunday to discuss the case with his Turkish counterpart Irfan Fidan.

Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia Adel al-Jubair described the debate on Khashoggi's death as "hysterical". The Haitian people would blame Saudi Arabia for being responsible for the killings, even before the end of the investigation, said Saturday the British Foreign Minister at a conference on security in Bahrain. He promised that those responsible would be held responsible.

October 27: The police union wants to end its cooperation with Riyadh ++

Following the badbadination of Saudi journalist Khashoggi, the federal police union calls for the immediate cessation of cooperation between the German police and Saudi Arabia. "You must not neglect the moral aspects in such operations," said union leader Ernst G. Walter, the "Handelsblatt". Therefore, he considered "an immediate withdrawal of our Saudi colleagues and the cessation of state support, not only fair, but also urgent".

According to the Federal Ministry of the Interior, since 2009, the Federal Police has been providing Saudi Arabia with training and advice on the modernization of border surveillance. There is therefore a "project office" in Riyadh composed of five federal police officers. 70 officials have already been deployed this year. Currently, there is no training.

The union leader, Walter, refuses to resume training. "The monstrous events and the overt involvement of the Saudi authorities in the security sector, in my view, preclude increased long-term cooperation between the Federal Police and the Saudi security forces," he said. the newspaper.

4:40 pm Fiancee: Khashoggi was friend with Erdogan ++

According to his Turkish fiance, the critic of the badbadinated Saudi government, Jamal Khashoggi, was a friend of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. That's what Hatice Cengiz said in a long and moving television interview with the Habertürk channel. The Erdogan government has been putting a lot of pressure on Saudi Arabia for weeks.

Cengiz said he wants to live with Khashoggi in Istanbul and the United States. For the wedding, he needed confirmation of his divorce. Before his first visit to the consulate the week before his death, he was very worried. "You could see that," says Cengiz. But he was relieved to return and was satisfied with the kindness he had received at the consulate. He had been told to come back on October 2nd. Until then, he wanted to prepare his documents.

Contrary to what was said previously, the fiancé of the killed journalist stated that Khashoggi had not worried about his second visit to the consulate. In fact, he even wanted to go alone, but a feeling told him that she had to go there. When he did not go out, she was scared. "When I realized what was happening, I started shaking, I had incredible fear, I felt too weak, I will never forget that fear," she said. she declared. 25 days have pbaded since and she has since been "dead every day".

++ Erdogan: Riad must disclose the murderer ++

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan calls on Saudi Arabia to raise awareness of the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, who died in Istanbul. In addition, must be revealed where his body is, said Erdogan Friday in front of members of his party, the AK. The Riyadh government had to reveal the identity of "the local employee" who had taken over the body after the crime.

Turkey has more information in this case than it has disclosed so far. On Sunday, the responsible Turkish prosecutor will meet with his Saudi counterpart in Istanbul.

++ 9h42: Khashoggi's son reportedly transported to the United States ++

The son of the killed Saudi journalist, Jamal Khashoggi, reportedly left the kingdom and entered the United States. CNN said it had arrived in the United States after lifting its exit ban, relying on a family source. Salah bin Jamal Khashoggi has both Saudi citizenship and the United States.

A few hours ago, Sarah Leah Whitson, director of the Middle East and Africa division of Human Rights Watch, had written on Twitter that Khashoggi's son had left Saudi Arabia for the United States after lifting the drug. 39, exit ban and his family.

Friday 7:35 pm: Austria calls for an end to arms exports to Saudi Arabia ++

Following the badbadination of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, calls for an end to arms exports in the country are multiplying throughout Europe. Austrian Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl has campaigned for such an arms embargo, including the war in Yemen and the acts of Saudi Arabia against Qatar.

++ 20.45: Merkel urges King of Saudi Arabia to initiate Khashoggi mbadacre ++

Chancellor Angela Merkel has asked Saudi Arabia to conduct a thorough investigation into the circumstances of the death of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The exact course of events must be clarified and all officials should be held accountable, Merkel said during a phone interview with Saudi King Salman on Thursday, according to the federal government.

The Chancellor called on Saudi Arabia to ensure a fast, transparent and credible education, announced the federal press office. In light of ongoing developments in the case, Germany is ready to take "appropriate measures" with international partners, continued Merkel, without further explanation.

The federal government has already announced a temporary suspension of its arms export license in Saudi Arabia. Already approved exports are verified.

++ 19h11: Khashoggi's companions gather in Istanbul ++

Relatives and companions of murdered journalist Jamal Khashoggi met on Thursday for a vigil in front of the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, Turkey. Dozens of people participated in the event. They called for justice and recalled Khashoggi, who had been killed at the consulate about three weeks earlier.

According to a correspondent of the AFP news agency, participants lit candles. They were parents of Khashoggi and other journalists. These have now united to form an badociation of friends of Jamal Khashoggi. The vigil was their first action.

"In this place where Jamal died, we find that we can not compromise (…) and that we will not deny wanting to deny the guilt of justice," said Ayman Nour, boss of a Egyptian opposition television channel.

++ 12h41: Saudi Arabia is now talking about intentional killing ++

Government journalist Jamal Khashoggi has been deliberately murdered, according to a Saudi prosecutor. Investigations would continue now based on the findings of the joint investigation team, he told state radio Al-Echbarija.

After Khashoggi's disappearance, Saudi Arabia recognized only after weeks of denials that Khashoggi had been killed at the country's consulate in Istanbul. Turkish President Erdogan spoke Tuesday of a brutal and planned killing.

++ 09.52: Saudi Crown Prince jokes about kidnapping of Lebanese Prime Minister ++

Mohammed bin Salman has a sense of strange humor. At the big investors' conference in Riyadh, the Saudi Crown Prince gave himself a dubious joke at the expense of his guest, Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri – the Hariri, who was arrested in Riyadh a year ago and said his resignation quite unexpectedly – presumably under pressure from the sheiks. It was only at the initiative of France that Hariri decided to remain in office.

So, now that Salman is making a joint appearance, Hariri stays two more days than expected in his realm, then jokes: "I hope that there are no rumors about his kidnapping." The audience was hooting, Salman and Hariri shook hands with laughter.

Hariri has Lebanese and Saudi nationality and has supported the leaders in Riyadh.

++ Thursday, 06:32: Macron calls the king of Saudi Arabia and threat ++

French President Emmanuel Macron confirmed during a telephone conversation with Saudi King Salman the threat of sanctions against the defendants in the Khashoggi case. France would not hesitate to take such measures in consultation with its allies, said the Elysee after the telephone conversation with. In this document, Macron expressed his "deep indignation" about the crime and demanded that he be fully enlightened. He also reminded the king "the fundamental importance of freedom of expression, freedom of the press and civil liberties in France".

++ Wednesday, 5:38 pm: Bin Salman calls Khashoggi's death "a heinous incident" ++

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has now spoken at the investor conference held in Riyadh, in the Saudi capital, in the Khashoggi case. The heir to the throne described the reporter's violent death as a "heinous incident". The act had nothing to justify and was "painful" for all the Saudis. Saudi Arabia is taking all necessary steps to complete the investigation and bring "criminals" to justice. Previously, bin Salman had discussed the case with Turkish leader Erdogan.

++ 17:05: The crown prince breaks the silence ++

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan met on Wednesday with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman about the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. As announced by the presidential office in Ankara, they spoke on the phone "the necessary joint efforts and the measures to be taken to clarify all aspects of the murder of Jamal Khashoggi". It was his first phone call since the act.

The Crown Prince himself broke his silence at the Riyadh Economic Forum. He condemned the killing of Khashoggi as a heinous crime. This act is unjustifiable and painful for all Saudis. Bin Salman agreed to clear up the case, "Justice will prevail". These are the first public statements of the heir to the throne since the death of Khashoggi.

++ 15.45: Germans against business with the Saudis ++

In the light of the Khashoggi case, a majority of citizens argue that German companies should not deal with the Saudi government. As a result, 65% of respondents said in a Civey survey for the "world". A little more than a fifth (22%) sees no problem. Spread into supporters of individual parties, the rejection is highest among voters on the left (83%) and the Greens (77).

++ 15h27: France threatens sanctions ++

In the case of Saudi journalist killed, Jamal Khashoggi, France is threatened with sanctions for the first time against Saudi Arabia. Before that happens, however, the facts and responsibilities of Saudi Arabia must have been clearly demonstrated and confirmed by the French intelligence services. The government spokesman, Benjamin Griveaux, said Wednesday in Paris. "I'm surprised the debate is only about the issue of arms sales," Griveaux said. The subject is more complete. What sanctions Paris could impose, he left open.

However, in the case of the journalist who was killed, France wants to do without the snapshot: no rushed decision will be taken, said the office of President Emmanuel Macron.

++ 15h20: The police are not allowed to search the consulate fountain ++

Saudi authorities have allowed Turkish investigators to access a well in the consulate's garden to trace the murdered government's critic, Jamal Khashoggiden. Previously, they had police in two missions to the consulate near the well, as reported by the official Anadolu news agency, citing security circles. After several reports in the Turkish media related to the government, the permit was issued only Wednesday afternoon. The investigators twice searched the Saudi Consulate General in Istanbul last week and once in the consul's residence. We do not know what they found.

++ 13h45: London withdraws visa ++ from suspects

After the United States, the United Kingdom is also suspected in the case of the murdered Saudi journalist, Jamal Khashoggi, with barriers to entry. The Saudi suspects in the case would be dismissed, British Prime Minister Theresa Mayam announced on Wednesday. "If these people currently have a visa, it will be revoked today."

++ 13h25: Iran: the United States is partly responsible for the death of Khashoggi ++

Iranian President Hbadan Ruhani accuses the United States of the death of the Saudi journalist. "I do not think any country dares to do it without the support of the United States," he said on television on Wednesday. Ruhani also called for a full investigation into the case: the United States and the European Union should not covet before Saudi Arabia. The case must be thinned and must not be stifled for economic reasons, Ruhani said Wednesday. The investigation into this terrible crime is therefore "a test for Americans and Europeans, that human rights or billions of profits are more important to them". Iran and Saudi Arabia are considered weight enemies.

Ruhani criticized the fact that Riad still receives a lot of support from the United States. Saudi Arabia is an important and long-standing ally of the United States in the Middle East. In Saudi Arabia, "with this support, a political group is so sure that it has no scruples to pose such a cruel and unimaginable crime," Ruhani said. US President Donald Trump condemned the badbadination of Khashoggi. Regarding potential liability to Riyadh's management, its path is less clear.

++ 13h20: Erdogan promises not to conceal the Khashoggi ++ affair

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan does not want to allow the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi to be concealed. Turkey will ensure that Khashoggi's "killing" is not overshadowed, Erdogan said Wednesday in a speech in Ankara. The person who gave the order and those who committed the murder could not escape justice.

The day before, Erdogan described Khashoggi's death as a "brutal murder" perpetrated by a Saudi special command. However, he has not cited details in his acclaimed speech around the world.

11:25 am: CIA boss has seen murders committed to murder ++

Turkey has informed the head of the CIA, Gina Haspel, according to a Turkish newspaper, of the investigation into the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The pro-government newspaper "Sabah" reported Wednesday that the Turkish intelligence agency MIT had shown Haspel video and audio recordings during a visit to Ankara, sharing with them the evidence gathered during the search of the consulate of Saudi Arabia and his residence.

The Turkish media reported for weeks that the investigators had soundtracks and images of the consulate, thus proving the murder of the columnist of the "Washington Post". However, the Ankara government has not confirmed this claim and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan did not mention the existence of such recordings in his Tuesday speech on the case Khashoggi. If such a registration exists, it is difficult to know how the investigators arrived there.

11:24: Tusk: hypocrisy would shame the EU ++

EU Council President Donald Tusk called for unconditional clarification in the case of the murdered Saudi journalist, Jamal Khashoggi. "It was such a terrible crime that any hint of hypocrisy would bring us shame," Tusk told the European Parliament in Strasbourg on Wednesday. It was not up to him to decide who would protect his interests in this matter. "But I know one thing: the only interest of Europe is to reveal all the details of this case, no matter who is behind." The EU and its institutions are unlikely to be involved in "a risky game," Tusk warned.

++ Wednesday, 9:45 am: Trump regards Khashoggi's death as "the worst hiding in history" ++

Due to the badbadination of journalist Jamal Khashoggi For the first time, the United States had consequences and imposed visa bans on 21 Saudis. The United States has announced new measures against the desert state. US President Donald Trump called the total fiasco of the badbadination of the anti-government journalist living in the United States and subsequent concealment by the Saudi authorities. "It was the worst cover of all time."

Tuesday, 6:42 pm: agreement between a billionaire and the investor conference in Riyadh ++

Despite developments in the case of the murdered journalist Jamal Khashoggi, agreements between billionaires are concluded at the investor conference in Riyadh. On Tuesday, Reuters signed contracts worth more than $ 50 billion. "Great, more people more money," said Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

Many high-ranking guests had canceled their participation in the high-level meeting in advance. Nevertheless, in the oil, gas and transportation sectors, large contracts have been sealed, government officials said. Among others, the South Korean automaker Hyundai, the US supplier of oilfield equipment Schlumberger and the French oil group Total.

Visitors to the investor conference in Riyadh: Billions of euros completed. (Source: AP / dpa / Amr Nabil)Visitors to the investor conference in Riyadh: Billions of euros completed. (Source: Amr Nabil / AP / dpa)

The Saudi energy giant, Aramco, has just signed 15 deals worth more than $ 34 billion. Siemens CEO Joe Kaeser lamented before an insider the cancellation of his visit and the signing of a $ 1 billion contract potentially related to a power plant in the US. Gulf State.

++ 18h10: Appeal of G7 Foreign Minister to Riyadh ++

In a joint statement, Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) and his colleagues in the G7 group are asking Saudi Arabia to provide further clarification in Khashoggi's case. The statements made so far by Riyadh have left "many unanswered questions," the statement said. Saudi Arabia must allow "a credible, transparent and timely investigation" and empower those responsible.

++ 18.07 clock: Khashoggi's computer found? ++

According to a press article, Turkish investigators have found the personal effects of the journalist killed during the search of a Saudi diplomatic vehicle in Istanbul. The transmitter CNN Turk has among other things stowed a computer and Khashoggi documents in two suitcases of a vehicle carrying Saudi diplomatic plates.

Other media reported the discovery, but pointed out that there was initially no official confirmation that the documents seized were actually Khashoggi. Earlier, it was also reported that bodies of Khashoggi's body had been found, which had been refused by official bodies.

Olay yeri inceleme ekipleri (csi) arabayı incelemeye ald işte ilk fotolar

– HÜSEYİN YILMAZ ? (@HSYNYLMZ) October 23, 2018

Turkish investigators have been accompanied by Saudi experts during a search of a parking lot in Sultangazi district, as reported by a Reuters reporter. The research was interrupted in the afternoon of CNN Turk and is expected to continue Wednesday.

++ 17h28: US Vice President Pence – Washington will continue vigorously

US Vice President Mike Pence told Wahington that his government would urge the Saudi authorities to provide answers in the Khashoggi case. The Turkish conclusions on the case "are in total contradiction" with Riyadh's previous remarks, he said.

++ 17h02: condolences of the family of Erdogan Khashoggi ++

Turkish President Recep Tayyip said during a phone interview with the family of the killed journalist that he was "deeply saddened" by the death of Khashoggi, reported the official Anadolu news agency. He badured that everything would be done to solve the murder.

Erdogan described Khashoggi's death in a morning speech as a "barbarian murder" planned and executed by a 15-member special force.

++ 16:34: The police also denied finding parts of the body ++

According to a Turkish TV report, the police in Istanbul would contradict a message from Sky News about the alleged discovery of parts of Khashoggi's body. The search for the dead body continues, it was said.

++ 16h23: Khashoggi's son meets Crown Prince Salman ++

Weird scenes in the Saudi royal palace: Three weeks after the violent death of Jamal Khashoggi, the ruling family invited relatives of the journalist killed in Riyadh. Khashoggi's brother and son, Salah, met with King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the heir to the throne suspected of being responsible for the death of the regime's critics in exile.

According to the official Saudi news agency, relatives of the family thanked their condolences. A week ago, Khashoggi's children requested an international investigation into the case of their deceased father. An independent and objective team had to clarify the circumstances of the disappearance and the information about the journalist's murder, said the family.

BREAK – Saudi King Salman and Crown Prince MbS with two members of the #Khashoggi family, one of them is his son Salah – SPA

– Ragip Soylu (@ragipsoylu) October 23, 2018

++ 15h19: Turkey searches the house of a presumed delinquent ++

Turkish security forces searched a mansion near Istanbul while searching for traces. Forty policemen spent forty-two hours Tuesday in the three-story house in Yalova province, Hurriyet reported. According to the building, he is one of 15 members of the Special Command who should have killed Khashoggi.

According to local media, a van with members of the alleged killers' team was seen on the day of Khashoggi's disappearance in the area, Hurriyet said. The area is popular with Arab tourists because of its beautiful nature and well-known wellness centers.

++ 14.52 Clock: conflicting information about body parts found ++

At the present time, contradictory reports are circulating about an alleged discovery of certain parts of Jamal Khashoggi's body. According to the British television channel Sky News, remains of the Saudi journalist were found at the Istanbul consulate, citing unspecified sources.

This contradicts the Turkish news channel "TRT World". He quoted sources in the prosecutor in charge of the investigation in Istanbul, according to which no part of the body would have been found at the consulate.

++ 14.01 hour: Rheinmetall pushes the ball to politics

The German arms manufacturer Rheinmetall leaves the question of the consequences of the Khashoggi case rather than German policy. "Rheinmetall essentially does not comment on issues that need to be evaluated and decided at the political level," said Georg Restle of ARD magazine, Monitor.

We have #Rheinmetall asked what consequences they have from the case #Khashoggi with regard to their arms exports #SaudiArabien shoot. The answer: "In principle, Rheinmetall does not comment on problems that need to be badessed and resolved at the political level."

– George Restle (@georgrestle) October 23, 2018

++ 13h28: SPD, Vice-Parliamentarian – The treatment of the case by Merkel by Kashoggi is shameful ++

Rolf Mützenich, vice-president of the SPD parliamentary group, accused the Chancellor of having focused for too long on German economic interests vis-à-vis Saudi Arabia. It was "shameful" that only the killing of Khashoggi led to rethinking the federal government in the sale of arms to the Gulf monarchy, said Bavarian radio Mützenich. "I would have liked more critical sounds much earlier."

11:53: Erdogan wants to make suspects in Turkey the process ++

The Turkish president has demanded that the 8 Saudi suspects in the Khashoggi case be brought to trial in his country. Erdogan said "confident" that King Salman of Saudi Arabia is cooperating in the investigation. He should punish anyone who "played a role" in the badbadination of the Saudi journalist.

++ 11h48: Erdogan sees strong evidence of contract killing ++

The Turkish president said Turkey had "solid evidence in hand" that would support the version of the contract killing. Contrary to expectations, Erdogan did not reveal new revolutionary details.

The Khashoggi case: A representative of the Saudi government describes the new version. (Source: Reuters)

++ 11.45: Erdogan – "The murder" of Khashoggis was "planned" several days in advance ++

According to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi was reportedly the victim of a "brutal murder". He was "planned" a few days in advance, said Erdogan in a speech delivered to his parliamentary group in Ankara. From Saudi Arabia, he asked for clarification on "who ordered the crime" and where is Khashoggi's body.

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