Kickl admits unanswered questions to the asylum proposal «


Interior Minister Herbert Kickl (FPÖ) admitted unanswered questions about the controversial proposal that no asylum application will be accepted in Europe in the future. You have to "think about what we are doing with people who are here now, or who are still successful," Kickl said Tuesday in the Ö1 "Morgenjournal". "We are now talking about a project that could be mid-term and longer term."

09.17, July 10, 2018

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"We will have to face the reality that people will make us", said the Minister of the Interior. In this context, he referred to those seeking protection who "are saved from distress in European waters and must then be brought to European soil". For these people, "appropriate facilities" could be created at the external borders of the EU. In this regard, there are "many models (…) that you can think of."

The EU Presidency document, which was known this weekend, focused on reducing factors of attraction of the migration. "That is why it makes sense to say, well, the answer to this must mean that asylum applications can only be made from outside the European Union, and I think it's a reasonable approach that we will continue to pursue. " , Kickl rejected critics of the opposition and experts. "That's why we have redesigned with this document, which uses a new stake here."

Kickl said that the implementation of the plans "will not come out in the next six months" and perhaps a theme for the next The EU presidencies will remain. All the rest would be more what we got and what was proven to fail. "

Regarding the issue of border controls in the Schengen area, the Interior Minister said that" of course, as a rule "." We do not badume that ". there will always be a crisis situation, as we continue at the same time efforts for effective protection of the external borders. "

German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer waits a lot Tuesday (10:00) presents his long-promised "Masterplan Migration" in Berlin The main concerns of the head of the CSU are a tightening of migration and refugee policy – until recently, however, the individual details of his document

According to reports, there will be an intensified Veilfahndung behind the border in the future; Picked up refugees must undergo an accelerated examination procedure in planned anchorage centers. 39, they are already registered elsewhere in the & # 39; EU. Seehofer also wants to speed up asylum procedures and more closely follow integration efforts, according to previous proposals of "master plan".

The 63-point plan should also suggest that migrants who have already sought asylum elsewhere in the EU return to the German-Austrian border. Prerequisites are bilateral readmission agreements. After a long conflict, the parties of the Union and the Great Coalition agreed on this compromise. According to a version of last week's plan, Seehofer is also concerned about punishing asylum seekers who are not involved in clarifying their identity.

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