Kirchheim: two dead in police operation – two officials seriously injured


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In a police operation in

Kirchheim Two people were killed Friday morning on the wine route in Rhineland-Palatinate. As a result, at 8:30 am, officials were disengaged for use due to a dangerous situation. The use of firearms had arrived, police said. Two people were killed, two policemen were seriously wounded by stab wounds and had to be hospitalized. There is no danger at the moment, they say.

At the same time, police said the victims were a 56-year-old woman and her 25-year-old son. According to this information, the mother reportedly informed the police by telephone that her son had a psychotic attack, was drugged and badaulted her. When the officers arrived, the young man had started with a pair of scissors. The policewoman and the policeman then used their firearms to repel the attacks, they say. The 25-year-old was fatally shot.

The mother also died despite emergency medical care on site. The cause of death must now be clarified by forensic medicine, said the prosecutor. The background of the incident is not yet known.

Kirchheim crossing road currently closed

However, rumors quickly circulated that an armed man in Kirchheim was on his way. "It's not true, there is NO DANGER!", The police said on Twitter.

Because of his commitment, according to the newspaper "The

Rheinpfalz"Even a helicopter was on site, a local transit system was blocked, it was a barrier to traffic." At present, officers have gone to their homes to interview potential witnesses.

Local transit #Kirchheim The Weinstrbade B271 is currently closed due to a police operation. A redirection is set up.

– Police Rheinpfalz (@PP_Rheinpfalz) October 19, 2018

As the local newspaper continues to report, students at a Kleinkarlbach district elementary school feel the unexplained break as usual in the schoolyard. "We did not tell the students what was going on, we do not know anything about ourselves," said the school principal, saying that the parents of the children are now well informed and that they are not going to get away with it. they decided not to drive a child by bus Let go – although the police stated that "there is no danger for children".

House of the church

Police and police officers stand in front of the crime scene in Kirchheim

Kirchheim an der Weinstraße is a municipality of Bad Dürkheim, district of Palatinate, located a few kilometers north-west of the main cities of Ludwigshafen and Mannheim. The wine village has about 1900 inhabitants.

sources: Police Headquarters Rheinpfalz / "Die Rheinpfalz" /

Kirchheim an der Weinstraße: The place of the events

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