Klagenfurt: motorist (43) motorcyclists (77)


<img src = "http://www.regionews.at/data/news/2018/07/18/186440/pic_600/Motorrad_Unfall_Kodda_Shutterstock.com_Symbolbild.jpg" clbad = "ls-bg" alt = "[879002] ] Photo: Moto / Accident / Kodda / Shutterstock.com / Symbolic image

18 Jul


by Gerhard Repp
Print this article [19659008|] On July 18, At 18:45, a 43-year-old woman from Graz left her car in the Klagenfurt car park on the left, outside the city, in Villacher Straße, she obviously ignored the 77-year-old Klagenfurt motorcyclist who was driving on the second lane. outside the city.
The motorcyclist was hit on the right side of the car and crashed.It was injured to an indeterminate degree and brought rescue to the UKH Klagenfurt

Source: LPD Carinthia

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