Konrad: ÖVP is no longer a social Christian – News


Christian Konrad, former general coordinator and refugee of Raiffeisen, avoids in an interview to the "Kleine Zeitung" (edition of Friday) the critical words for the ÖVP of Chancellor Sebastian Kurz. The ÖVP was "no longer a Christian Social Party".


How do you rate the government's plans for social security?

"Diverge on the question of humanity"

Kurz has a cross at the office but "politics obviously requires him to be different in the matter of humanity," says Konrad . His relationship with Kurz – who he loved a lot from the beginning – has become "more difficult". Because "at one point he turned the refugee issue on another track," Konrad said. In addition, Konrad accuses "of politics" that she "fights the fears of another refugee crisis, strengthened, rather than arguing". In addition, it was "counterproductive difficult",

Social policy "hateful" and "complex of envy"

Proposals in social policy, such as the reduction of family allowances for children in the Eastern European countries, Konrad finds "sometimes thorny": Without the foreign nurses, society would be in a miserable state, "he says.

In addition, only" the complex "The desire has fueled": "We are talking about families who receive 3,000 euros in emergency aid. Case.

In short, the social partnership – which considers Konrad as "indispensable" – will not dissolve, but will lead them before him However, the former Raiffeisen-General badumes that "it will be pushed back" , then there will be a new start.

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