Kosher meat only for registered Jews


The Jewish Community of Vienna (IKG) is worried about a possible ban on kosher meat in Lower Austria. According to the "Wiener Zeitung", President Oskar Deutsch has reported to the council on such plans of the local government. As a result, the Ministry of Nature Conservation in the state government has proposed new guidelines in terms of sinks.

For the protection of animals is in the Provincial Government of Lower Austria FPÖ Landrat Gottfried Waldhäusl responsible. A confirmation from the department for the alleged proposition did not exist at the moment on the APA request. On the one hand, the export of kosher meat slaughtered should be banned in the future, on the other hand, access to kosher meat mbadively restricted, reports the "Wiener Zeitung ", citing the religious community.

The president of IKG Deutsch went further in his fears. In the future, only the most numerous Jews should buy kosher meat, which was previously registered by name and prove that they still eat kosher, "because the right to free exercise of religion Is an individual ". The Office argues that it is known that there are religious and not so religious Jews. The office of the Waldhäusl Liberal State Council was initially unavailable for comment.

Waldhäusl plans new guidelines for wells

Animal welfare authority Gottfried Waldhäusl (FPÖ) of Lower Austria, the provincial governor of Lower Austria, confirmed the well containment project on Tuesday. because he "did not understand why the Viennese were driving in Lower Austria and let him kill thousands of animals," he said in a statement to the "Wiener Zeitung".

The project was known because the Jewish community of Vienna (IKG) had expressed concern about a possible ban on kosher meat in Lower Austria. Compared to the "Wiener Zeitung", the draft decree has been confirmed, but it is not yet final, it was also said. Waldhäusl stressed in the statement: "From the point of view of animal welfare, drums would generally be rejected for me." Therefore, check all the legal options to contain the manholes. It also checks whether meat requirements can be linked to the place of residence. "In Lower Austria, we are not there to provide meat to the Viennese," said the provincial councilor.


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