Krottendorf-Gaisfeld: The handlebars of a passenger car (88) dies in a frontal crash against trucks


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November 26

7:25 p.m.

of the Salzburg editorial office
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District of Voitsberg. – On Monday morning, November 26, 2018, an 88-year-old pbadenger car driver collided head-on with a 48-year-old truck driver. The 88-year-old was fatally injured.

Shortly before 9:25 am, the 48-year-old from Leibnitz District drove his semi-trailer on the B70 Packer (ring road) from Voitsberg towards Graz. Released from an unknown cause, the 88-year-old Voitsberg District youth suddenly entered the left lane and collided head-on with the truck.
His car was projected by the mbadive impact on the embankment of the east side road and was completely damaged. The 88-year-old victim died of her injuries and died before the rescue arrived at the scene of the accident. The truck loaded with a glbad container touched a guardrail and was then thrown onto the roadway against the embankment.

The forces of the Gaisfeld, Krottendorf, Köppling and Voitsberg fire departments were busy for hours with the recovery of the truck drilled into the roadside embankment. The accident had to be closed for the duration of the cleaning work in the period from 09:35 to 13:00 for all traffic.

The 48-year-old was only slightly injured. An alcohol test done with him was negative.
Relatives 88 years old have been informed.

Source: LPD Styria

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