Lack of "clear position" of Germany "


In Austria, German border measures remain uncertain: several phone calls with German politicians would have "not yet brought full clarity", which the local government really wanted, said Wednesday Chancellor Sebastian Kurz ( ÖVP) to Ö1- "morning newspaper" .Austria would be a "center of reception in the middle of Europe"

That Austria threatens to become a "center of Europe" 39, home in the middle of Europe "if Germany steps up its measures at the border … is for short, however, clear.This would be the case" if a large number of people were returned to Austria " and at the same time a large influx from the south. "Certainly" no "treaty that is at the expense of Austria" will be accepted, he said.

Asylum applications: " The number is still too high "

Kurz also criticized the fact that Germany is currently intensifying national border measures, which has always criticized other countries for flirting with national border measures. The Chancellor said: "Every week, hundreds of people come to Austria, and the numbers are still way too high."

What exactly is the answer to German politics? He could not answer South Border yet, so short. There is no doubt that border controls would be intensified. But it is time to achieve "close coordination with Germany" and "expect a clear position in Germany".

If the German Minister of the Interior, Horst Seehofer, on Thursday, visits Interior Minister Herbert Kickl in Vienna.


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