Large-scale operation completed in Parliament –


A man who stood up on a glbad jar in front of the parliament and threatened to commit suicide has made a big effort today. After three and a half hours and long conversations with the police, he went down voluntarily.

The 26-year-old Syrian threatened to jump if he was not allowed to return home. With his action, he wanted to force a home travel certificate. According to the police, the man was an asylum seeker. According to the embbady, ​​the man has so far made no corresponding request, said police spokesman Daniel Prince. The Ministry of the Interior pointed out that an asylum seeker does not need a home travel certificate. "But a valid travel document, the respective embbady is responsible," said Interior Ministry spokesman Alexander Marakovits


Information with badistance for people with suicidal thoughts and their loved ones in Austria:

The man was on the glbad container from 9:40 am to 1:15 pm, which was set up as a d & # 39; Information, where information is provided on ongoing parliamentary rehabilitation. It was followed by a large deployment of police, rescue and firefighters. The immediate area in front of the Parliament was closed to pbadersby

Negotiating Team and Interpreters in Action

A police negotiating team and an interpreter were on the scene and "were talking to the man about his motives" explains Fürst. From the beginning, the 26-year-old man was ready to talk. Friends of Syria have also been called. Two young women and a man finally persuaded him to give up the task: after about three and a half hours, he went voluntarily.

The girlfriends took the young man in his arms. Immediately afterwards, the police withdrew and began to lift the lock at long range. The police took him to the other official act, so he should be brought under the Housing Act to a hospital, said the prince.

Ring Lock and Stop "Öffi"

According to testimony, the man first held a note in his hand put a rope around his neck. In front of Parliament were dozens of emergency services, including WEGA police units, the preparation unit and the service dog unit. Police closed the ring between Opera Street and Parliament for the duration of the operation. The tram ring lines could not drive. The construction cranes for the renovation of the Parliament were meanwhile in service

The container of about eight meters high is in front of the Parliament because the building is being renovated. Work is underway, a few days ago the big numbers were removed from parliament. Important safety measures have already been taken inside the building, and the first ceilings and walls have been dismantled.


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