Lawyer called police officer "idiot" |


Lawyer called police "idiot"

KLAGENFURT. A lawyer had to answer Wednesday in the Klagenfurt Regional Court because of the escalation of traffic control.

symbolic Image: (Weihbold Volker)

The woman is accused of abusing speech and badaulting a police officer during a traffic check. The trial was postponed and the day after the trial, other witnesses will be questioned.

This is the second case. The lawyer had already appeared in court in March 2018 and had been acquitted. The Graz Court of Appeal, however, reversed the verdict and the case was remitted to the Klagenfurt Regional Court for a new decision.

Different versions

The incident occurred in February 2017. The woman was traveling with her daughter in the car in central Denmark, she wanted to take the child to the bus, with which he should take ski lessons. Suddenly, a civilian patrol stopped the car from the lawyer. Two plainclothes police officers wanted to check if they were calling illegally using their mobile phone. What happened after that, there are two very different versions. Those police officers who reported that the woman had become aggressive shouted insults and indicated that she was a lawyer and knew what the police were saying. She had repeatedly refused to present the vehicle documents and the driving license and had shouted that she would continue now because her daughter had to go to the ski course. In addition, she had met the edifying official.

The woman stated that she had remained completely calm and had only asked the police officer to identify him before handing him the papers. Only after that had refused, she was "naturally" nervous and perhaps a bit strong. Gestoen she did not have the official, but bodily contact already existed. She also did not call and informed the police.

A police officer filmed the action

The evidence also served a video on mobile phone: When the situation was very painful, took out of the pocket his smartphone from the police and filmed the action. On the video, you can hear how the 42-year-old screams with joy and insults an official by calling him a "complete idiot". The police officer's voice must also be heard, which tries to calm the woman. The accused also accused the police on Wednesday of having removed a second video – prosecutor Nicole Zwirn had then extended the complaint for defamation.

On Wednesday, the accused and her defender Philipp Tschernitz tried to draw attention to contradictions: for example, the two police officers testified differently during their interrogation just after the incident and during the first one. trial in March. Wednesday's hearing focused on whether the woman has now transferred the officer to one or two police officers from Ste.

Negotiation adjourned

Judge Michaela Sanin finally adjourned the trial. The day after the trial, the competent district police chief must be interviewed as a witness. The accused described the incident from his point of view immediately after the incident. The police officer, who had secured the videos from his colleague's smartphone, is also being questioned.

In addition, Chernitz asked the accused to test her vehicle: According to her, the second policeman on the pbadenger side could not even hear about general insults or attacks physical. Sanin has left the decision open for the moment.

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