Left behind in the broken rubber boat in the sea – Serious allegations against the Libyan Coast Guard


Spanish refugee rescuers found a dead woman and a dead baby in a broken canoe on the Libyan coast.

Tripoli – A second woman was found and saved alive in the boat, observed an AFP photographer. Refugee workers from Proactiva Open Arms have accused the Libyan Coast Guard of leaving the three behind. On Wednesday, the rescue vessels were heading to Spain

The rescuers of the Spanish non-governmental organization had discovered the boat from where all the air had escaped, about 80 nautical miles (148 km) northeast of Tripoli in the sea. The survivors and the dead, suffering from shock and overheating, drifted on the wooden planks that formed the bottom of the boat.

Rescuers had led the area, claiming that they had radio communications between a Libyan Coast Guard ship and a cargo ship on a distressed boat had heard. Thus, the freighter remained on the spot until the Coast Guard announced that it was en route.

Two women and a child left to their fate

Proactiva Open Arms accused the authorities of saving other refugees, both women and But to have left a child to his fate. This representation rejected the Coast Guard. She had been active in two rescue operations Monday night. However, they would have counted on other refugee boats

According to the report, the Coast Guard rescued 165 refugees from a nearby boat in a maritime area that had been floating on the Mediterranean for more than two days and a half without water or food. In a more remote area, she claims to have also recovered another 158 refugees from another boat

The German journalist Nadja Kriewald was aboard a Libyan Coast Guard ship and confirmed their representation. "Nobody has ever forgotten," said the reporter on TV. The operation was "calm".

The two ships of the Proactiva Open Arms were heading to Spain, although Italy agreed to accept the woman, the organization said. Although Rome wants to land the 40-year-old survivor from Cameroon, but not both bodies.

The woman is brought to Spain to protect her and allow her to testify about the events. She is still in shock and can not remember what happened. The new Italian government is following a hard line on asylum policy

. The captain of the German rescue ship "Lifeline", Claus-Peter Reisch, called the incident "murder" on Deutschlandfunk on Wednesday. It is badumed that the two women refused to be brought back to Libya by the Coast Guard.

Under the command of Reisch, the June "Lifeline" had wandered for days over the Mediterranean with 234 refugees saved on board, because Italy and Malta had closed their ports. Although Malta later berthed the ship, he seized it.

Reisch will soon be tried in Malta during the rescue operation. The captain and his organization accuse EU states, including Germany, of doing more to hinder sea rescue than halting the deaths of refugees in the Mediterranean.

Libya is the main transit country for refugees from African countries crossing the EU Mediterranean Sea. Since the fall of the leader Moamer Kadhafi in 2011, chaos reigns in Libya. In large part, armed militias have their say.


Meanwhile, the debate on asylum continues – here are the latest developments

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