Long traffic jam on A2 «kleinezeitung.at


On a semitrailer, the plastic transported Thursday afternoon was ignited. This temporarily paralyzed the southern highway towards Vienna. He came to extensive congestion, the loss of time on the way to Vienna was well over an hour.

By Ulrich Dunst | 19:37, 19 July 2018

The plastic began to burn on the trailer – which was then to be reloaded by firefighters © Stadtfeuerwehr Pinkafeld [19659008]

On the south motorway (A 2) towards Vienna – between the Loipersdorf halt and the start of Pinkafeld – on Thursday shortly before 5 pm, the plastic that had loaded a semi-trailer s & # Ignited

first many meters in the air. In Vienna direction until 18 hours came to a total block . In the opposite direction, there was also caution – because of the smoke, the view was still very bad in the meantime.

At 6 pm there was at least one lane for Vienna to be released. Nevertheless, drivers heading to Vienna still had to accept time losses of up to more than an hour.


According to the police, it was not known for some time that there were injuries. In action were 58 forces of the four fire services market Allhau, Grafenschachen, Loipersdorf and Pinkafeld. "Shortly before 7 pm, we transported the semi-trailer away from the motorway and now we have to reload everything and cancel everything," explains Christian Ulreich, Pinkafeld firefighter. Because of the lengthy fire works, "a lot of water was needed, so many tankers were used." [1969090]

The column of smoke could be contained up to 17.30 © Asfinag

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