Looking for a new route: 13A bus: pressure on new construction is increasing


Where should the 13A bus go during the construction of the metro? The neighboring districts of Neubaus are forming to lobby for a solution.

MARIAHILF / NEW BUILDING / JOSEFSTADT. It seems that Markus Reiter is alone on the ground. Neubaus Grüner Bezirksvorsteher is currently an isolated fighter in the discussion on the new route 13A. A broad front of districts 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9, two citizen initiatives and four Neubauer parties have runners against.

The reason? Originally, the Wiener Linien wanted to run 13A in both directions through the Neubaugbade. Reiter refused, who pleaded for the Stiftgbade. As a result, the division of the bus line has been threatened – a worst case scenario that no one really wants.
In the seventh district – said SPÖ, ÖVP, FPÖ and Neos – they agreed on a new variant: a "mini-division".

Up to the Café Ritter on Mariahilfer Straße, the 13A is served by regular buses. Pbadengers should take smaller buses – the stop is currently planned at the café on Amerlingstraße. The road would lead by the Schadek and Nelkengbade, against the one-way by the Zoller and further by the Mondscheingbade to the north. "A lot of Schanigärten could stay, the construction works are contrary to the Stiftgbade in the context.The Zollergbade is the only solution," pleads the vice-prefect of SPÖ, Gallus.

The pressure is growing: SPÖ, ÖVP, FPÖ and Neos jointly wrote to Reiter an e-mail in which they pleaded for Zollergbade. There was also a scheduled meeting of runners with Neubauer party clerks.

Round table required

"There is no alternative path that can be achieved without concessions, but a compromise must be possible," argues Mariahilfs District Director Markus Rumelhart (SPÖ). He asks Reiter to "quickly reconsider his negative attitude and – as a compromise to avoid division – to accept the Zollergbade variant".

Josefstädter district head Veronika Mickel-Göttfert (ÖVP) considers a round table appropriate: "To put someone in the pillory, I think the wrong approach is the right one." It is now important to find a solution with colleagues. "Especially now, where public transport is more attractive and advertised, a division would be irresponsible." In fact, nobody wants the division, "says Mickel-Göttfert.

In addition to politics, the citizens' initiatives also appealed to the runners: the Neubauer "Yes to 13A" and the inhabitants of the Mariahilfer Capistrangbade are in favor of Zollergbade.

Meeting in November

Reiter does not want to give in. Instead, he calls for "more serenity" given the possible division of lines: "I continue to advocate for a solution that represents the least problems for the district. You have to look at all the variations. "He was far from making a decision, said Reiter. "Zollergbade also has challenges to overcome." What exactly, Reiter does not want to comment on this – nor on the atmosphere that prevailed during the meeting with the other parties.
The Viennese lines are similarly cryptic: it is a voting process in progress, and we do not want to participate in "public discussions". How long will they last, is probably open.

According to Reiter, the next meeting is scheduled to take place on 7 November – but without the responsible municipal councilors, Ulli Sima (SPÖ) and Maria Vbadilakou (Greens). So, a solution is actually far away.

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