Maaßen must not become Seehofer's special advisor «


Surprising U-turn: The outgoing German intelligence officer, Hans-Georg Maaßen, will probably not be a special representative at the German Interior Ministry. As said Sunday evening the ministry spokesman, Sören Schmidt, his department is reviewing Maaßens' recent statements. It is essentially a farewell speech delivered in October at the meeting of the Heads of European National Intelligence.

The manuscript was also distributed on the intranet of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV). It contained mbadive criticism. "After the examination, Mr Seehofer will draw the necessary conclusions," said Schmidt. A decision will be made earlier this week. Interior Minister Horst Seehofer has not yet decided to dismiss Maaßen or temporarily put him out of retirement, the newspaper said in Berlin.

Seehofer would not comment

Seehofer himself said in Munich that he could "say nothing at the moment". But he announced that he would be in Berlin on Monday and that he would therefore not participate in the signing of the coalition agreement in Bavaria.

According to information provided by the German press agency, Maaßen is strongly attacked in his controversial farewell speech, especially the SPD. Maaßen spoke of left-wing forces in the Social Democrats, it was reported Sunday night in Berlin. The security community has said that Mabad's speech to his European counterparts is highly political.

"It is not for nothing that we asked for Maaßens' departure a few weeks ago because of his solitary efforts and constant ricochets," said Burkhard Lischka, an SPD expert. The Greens of the Bundestag have called for an extraordinary session of the parliamentary group on the control of intelligence.

Maaßen had to abandon his work

Maaßen, because of his comments on the xenophobic riots in Chemnitz, evacuated his post as head of the Constitution. Instead, he should be part of the special representative of the Ministry of the Interior for European and international tasks – with the same salary as before for the head of the BfV, to the rank of department head. The week-long discussions on its future had provoked a lively debate within the Great Coalition in Berlin, which had almost led to the separation of the CDU / CSU government and the SPD.

It was an interview with Maaßens, in which he stated that he had "no reliable information" before the hunt for foreigners took place in Chemnitz. Rather, "a good reason" for the fact that it is a "relevant video" targeted misinformation in order to possibly divert the public from the murder of Chemnitz ". In Chemnitz, a 35-year-old German was stabbed to death on August 26th. The suspects are asylum seekers.

Even about the succession of Maaßens to the head of the BfV, no official decision is taken. "Focus Online" According to the current Vice President, Thomas Haldenwang will lead the authority in the future. He is considered a confidant of Maaßen. The Ministry of the Interior has not confirmed the appointment of the 58-year-old lawyer

(APA / dpa)

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