Macron wants to reshape staff after the bodyguard scandal | Tiroler Tageszeitung online


Paris (APA / Reuters / DPA) – French President Emmanuel Macron wants to rebuild his staff because of the case surrounding his former chief bodyguard, according to an insider. Macron was of the opinion that since the May 1 incident in the presidential office, a number of mistakes had been made, reported Sunday 's state of the environment environment .

Therefore, he charged the head of the presidential office, the staff and organize them. This was intended to prevent such an event from repeating itself, which is increasingly striking domestic waves. Macron 's bodyguard, Alexandre Benalla, attacked a protester at a rally in May. He was wearing a helmet and a police badge during the video recorded incident while he was not on duty.

The prosecutor's office opened an investigation Sunday against the ex-bodyguard who had been released by Macron on Friday. As part of the case, four other people are under investigation, including three police officers. They reportedly transmitted video footage of the incident to Benalla

Following the incident that initially led to a 15-day suspension of Benalla, charges were laid against the fact that the employees of Macron were above the law. Opponents have long accused the president of being detached and losing touch with the people.

Macron discussed the incident with Prime Minister Edouard Philippe, Interior Minister Gerard Collomb and other close badociates, describing the behavior of his former bodyguard. Shocking and unacceptable, he said of his environment. He could not let the impression arise that any one of his environment above the law. The Minister of the Interior Collomb is scheduled to answer questions from members of the National Assembly on Monday, and a Senate hearing is scheduled for Tuesday. The hearing aims to clarify what the government knew of the incident.

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