Major damage in the room Ferlach by hurricane


Hurricanes that can reach 130 kilometers by the hour swept Ferlach Sunday. From the community of big damage are reported. Citizens should stay home for security reasons.

In Ferlach, many people did not turn a blind eye during Sunday night. The fear of storms was too great since the depression caused by the storm Yves inflicted huge damage in the city a few months ago. In addition, gusts of wind have reached 130 kilometers at the hour.

Hurricane Unterbergen damages roof house

Dieter worker

This farm building was largely covered by strong gusts of wind.

Many damaged buildings

The village of Unterbergen, in Ferlach, is particularly affected. Several houses were covered, including a large stable. Stefan Wernig of the Unterwenbergen fire brigade said that the gusts made the deployment more difficult: "We had to make sure we were blocking the access roads, that no one was driving on the flying parts."

In total, more than 40 houses or huts were badly damaged in Ferlach, including Reinhold Wernig's barn: "It made a big noise and the pieces were thrown with enormous force into the street. one-third always followed. "No one was injured, but a fire truck was hit and damaged by a falling tree.


The population should stay at home if possible

The city government has urged people in Ferlach to stay at home and not necessarily avoid car travel. The situation is too dangerous for you to be hit by branches or falling tiles.

400 households without electricity

Several trees were cut by the trees that turned the storm over. In the morning, more than 1,400 households in the Greater Ferlach region were left without provisions. At the time of printing, there were still 400 households without electricity, including the village of Vellach. Kelag technicians have been in constant use since the morning. But it was not possible to enter a broken power line. Several roads in the storm zone were impbadable because of the trees felled.

The Loiblpbadbundesstraße (B 91) between Kirschenentheuer and Unterbergen, as well as several municipal roads were completely closed. In St. Jakob im Rosental (District of Villach Land), firefighters also had to move because of fallen trees. A municipal road was to be closed.

The Seebergstraße (B 82) between Vellach and the Seebergsattel (Völkermarkt district) also blocked fallen trees. The FF Bad Eisenkappel and Rechberg have eliminated about 15 trees, branches, rocks and stones. Water supply was also partially interrupted in the affected area.

According to Johannes Leitner, district captain of Klagenfurt, the total extent of the damage can not yet be estimated: "A reconnaissance flight is necessary, but today it was not possible because of gusts. to say more, the damage is certainly considerable. "

Crisis staff meets

Carinthia is preparing for a flood of up to 100 years. On Sunday morning, the country's crisis team reunited. Authorities and working groups are on alert. The focus of events is scheduled for Monday and Tuesday – more meetings of the country's crisis committee (, 28.10.18).

LAWZ Crisis Cell


Crisis Staff of the Carinthia State Fire Department

In order to minimize the damage, especially in Lavamünd, Drau water levels have been lowered. The Völkermarkter tank boats are now dry.


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