Make money while sleeping: a Japanese company pays its employees to sleep


Cologne –

A lack of sleep can not only harm your health, but those who rise in the long run may be more prone to depression and dissatisfaction at work. The fact that too little sleep has a negative effect on productivity is also prevalent among employers. A Japanese business leader is now trying to counter by an unusual measure. He pays a premium to his employees when they sleep enough.

Money bonus for enough sleep

Long hours, little recovery, Japan is extreme in this regard. In 2015, the case of Matsuri Takahashi made the headlines. The young woman was employed by an advertising agency and had worked overtime. Although cases like this have been severely condemned, the Japanese still work too much on average and sleep far too little. Kazuhiko Moriyama, a wedding planner, has come up with a concept on how to change this for her employees.

The premise is simple: employees would benefit from pecuniary benefits of at least six hours of sleep, at least five days a week, says the wedding planner in an interview with the American newspaper Bloomberg. Compliance with the requirements will be verified by an application of the mattress manufacturer "Airweave Inc.". Anyone who sleeps six hours will be credited with points. These can add up to 500 euros a year and then be cashed in the company cafeteria for food.

Who sleeps more, works better

"I want to do something that others think: it's crazy!" Said the company's manager at Bloomberg. Workers had to be protected, otherwise Japan would continue to weaken.

According to a 2016 Forsa survey, Germans also sleep too little, according to SWR 3. In this country, nine percent of employees spend only about five hours a night, which is far too short to really recover. Lack of sleep can have serious health consequences in the long run. Those who get enough rest, however, are more balanced and – Moriyama – happier too. And whoever is happier is obviously working better and more motivated. Maybe the Weddingsplaner model is more futuristic than crazy.

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