"Malicious" Vilimsky harms the reputation of Austria "DiePresse.com


Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen strongly criticizes the black and blue federal government. The fact that no one from the government reacted to the resignation of FPÖ Secretary General Harald Vilimsky to European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker was regrettable for Austria, Van der Bellen said in a statement. an interview with "Vorarlberger Nachrichten" (1965). ] There is a clear commitment to the European course, but especially during the Austrian EU presidency, Vilimsky is now "in a way that I have almost never experienced," Van said. der Bellen in an interview, according to the "ZIB2". He criticized Commission Chairman Juncker in a "disgusting" manner and no one from the federal government reacted, criticized the federal president.

Vilimsky, head of the FPÖ delegation to the European Parliament, presented photos of the President of the Commission on Wednesday. as an opportunity to demand a quick resignation Juncker. "The recent online coup of a Juncker supported Juncker at a recent summit in Brussels is turning the whole of the European Union into a joke, and in a very difficult overall situation for the EU, "said Vilimsky. He argued that "in recent years, there have been" a number of obvious problems with alcohol "that" have repeatedly led to a series of embarrbading videos. "

"Nothing to say is too little"

Van der Bellen does not like the fact that Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) does not want to give his opinion: "I can not find anything in to say about it, I find that too little. "

"I find the statements of Vilimsky unpublished, also in the" Tiroler Tageszeitung "according to a preliminary announcement, and he also regretted that, under the ÖVP-FPÖ government, the" great merits "of social partnership no longer seem to have much of value: "I am really sorry." "I believe that no one would have lost a stone of the crown if he had accepted a decent parliamentary review of the Working Time Act," Van said. der Bellen


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