Mallorca explains Salvini as a policy of persona non grata


  • Italian Right-wing Populist Interior Minister No Longer Welcome Due to Restrictive Policy on the Spanish Island of Majorca
  • Spanish Media Reports that a demand of left parties was accepted by the island council. Iuventa .

Mallorca has declared Italian right-wing populist Matteo Salvini an unwanted person. The Minister of the Interior of Italy was because of his insults of refugees and rescuers persona non grata on the island of Baleares, proclaimed the leftist party Podemos in Mallorca. She had made a request with other left parties to the island council. On Thursday, it was adopted unanimously, as reported by the Spanish media.

Salvini answered quickly: "Not welcome in Mallorca, we do not care, I'm on holiday in Italy," he wrote on Twitter. Salvini, leader of the xenophobic Lega, has prevented private maritime rescuers from entering Italian ports. The lifeboat of the refugees Aquarius had to dodge after days of wandering in Spain and moored in Valencia. The Astral Astral of the Spanish aid organization Proactiva Open Arms arrived in Mallorca a week ago with a survivor and two bodies on board. Italy had already announced that it would only look after the Cameroonian woman, but not the dead.

Declaramos to Matteo #Salvini persona non grata & nbsp; in Mallorca by the insultos to the personas refugiadas, su negativa has auxiliaries además obstaculizar y menospreciar el trabajo of the NGOs of rescate. El fascismo against death @ s, death @ s contra el fascismo. #PleCIM

– Podcast of Majorca (@PodemMallorca) 26. July 2018

Investigations in Italy against rescue at sea German

During this time, almost a year after the confiscation of the German rescue ship Iuventa Italian justice opened new investigations against rescuers. Some crew members have been summoned for a search for confiscated items, said a spokesman for the organization Jugend Rettet, who operates Iuventa . The vessel was confiscated on August 2nd of last year for allegedly helping rescuers in illegal immigration.

This included computers and phones that had been in the prosecutor's office for a year. The convocation should take place in mid-September. First, Spiegel reported on investigations

. In mid-July, it was known that Trapani's prosecutor in Sicily had issued 20 investigative decisions. They are also employees of Doctors of Borders, confirmed a spokesman for the humanitarian organization. However, there are no specific allegations and there is a preliminary investigation and a "technical process" to obtain information from PCs and PCs. phones. "We are sure that these technical journals confirm what we have always said: that we operate at sea in accordance with the law." Even the rescue organization Save the Children had received a corresponding summons

The conflict over Iuventa had been brewing for a long time. However, the climate has once again worsened in Italy, a populist government of Cinque Stelle and its right-wing right-wing partner, Matteo Salvinis Lega, in power. The government increasingly opposes private maritime rescuers and forbids their entry into Italian ports. Salvini now shows that it is not very popular in Europe.

The First Person Shooter

He has no vision, no scruples – and apparently no opponents. How right Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini dominates Italian politics.

By Oliver Meiler

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