Malta releases captain "Lifeline" on bail


The captain of the German rescue ship "Lifeline", Claus-Peter Reisch, was released by the Maltese authorities against payment of a bail of 10,000 euros. A new hearing was scheduled for next week, reported Monday evening the French news agency AFP.

The "Lifeline" was confiscated last week in Malta. The ship had rescued more than 234 refugees off the Libyan coast more than a week ago and was then taken for days across the Mediterranean, with Italy and Malta having first refused to dock the ship. Finally, she was allowed to land in Malta. The aid agency Mission Lifeline, based in Dresden, denies any wrongdoing.

Second German rescue vessel arrested

The authorities of Malta hold a second German rescue ship for refugees, in addition to the lifeline. The German NGO Sea-Watch announced yesterday on its website that "Sea-Watch 3" would be prevented from leaving without any legal basis.

The "Sea-Watch 3" has an appropriate registration and is entitled to the Dutch. To steal the flag The Maltese government is conducting a "political offensive to end the civil rescue at sea," said the organization.

Last Friday, more than a hundred refugees drowned after their boat struck the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. The Libyan coast was capsized. On Sunday, another 63 people disappeared after the capsizing of a refugee boat. On Monday night, the United Nations Refugee Agency reported that another 114 people had disappeared after the sinking of a refugee boat off the Libyan coast.

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