Man stabbed nine people at the children's birthday party «


In the state of Idaho, a man stabbed nine people at a birthday party, including six children. Four of the victims were seriously injured in the Boise City incident Saturday night, police said. The robbery occurred in a residential building mainly occupied by refugees

05:46, 02 July 2018

L & # 39; The alleged perpetrator was not himself a refugee and apparently acted out of revenge because he had already been asked to leave the building. According to the police, the attacker was Timmy Kinner, 30, a black American citizen of Los Angeles

He spent a few days meeting the Boise building, said police chief Bill Bones at the time. a press conference Sunday. On Friday, he was invited by the acquaintance to leave the house.

To "take revenge," he returned on Saturday and attacked the children attending the birthday party of a three-year-old girl, Bones said. He then attacked the adults who tried to protect the children. Kinner was arrested shortly after the crime.

The children were between three and twelve years old. The police did not reveal how many children were injured in their lives.

According to Bones, Kinner chose the "available targets" for the act. The people he lived in were therefore not at home during the incident.

The majority of refugees in the building come from Syria, Iraq and Ethiopia. "The survey seems to indicate that it was related to where they lived, and not if they knew the suspect," said Bones, referring to the crime and the victims. Kinner has been convicted of multiple crimes in the past and has served a prison sentence in the state of Kentucky.

Boise has about 220,000 inhabitants. Idaho has only a small but growing immigrant community. Six percent of the total population in the western federal state are immigrants. They represent about 40% of the agricultural labor force.

On Saturday, thousands of people in front of Idaho's state government headquarters in Boise protested against the immigration policy of US President Donald Trump's government. It was one of many events of this kind across the country.

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