Maria Butina: Lavrov demands the release of the Russian spy


The release must be "as soon as possible", said Mr. Lavrov, according to his ministry in Moscow during a telephone conversation with his American counterpart Mike Pompeo. The 29-year-old arrest for attempted infiltration of US political organizations is "unacceptable", which has invented accusations against the woman.

Washington's state prosecutor's office accuses Butina of being involved in a Russian government conspiracy to influence American politics. She has lived in Washington for the last three years. According to the US Attorney General, she was arrested Sunday in the US capital and presented to a judge on Monday.

US justice accuses Maria Butina, 29, of being under the orders of a Moscow official from 2015 until February 2017 at least to have been active in the United States. The Russian woman had come with a student visa and tried to infiltrate organizations that had an influence on American politics.

The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) claims that the study aims to camouflage the activities of the agency. Butina reportedly established links with the influential NRA gun lobby and participated in lobbyist badociation meetings.

On her Twitter account, Butina asks for "real gifts" for women on the occasion of International Women's Day 2017. In addition, she posts a photo of a woman who laughs in front of several boxes of ammunition. On Facebook, she is advertising with an obscure collage of the stone age for lax gun laws in Russia. "An ax does not help against a tiger," she says, or "anyone who can not kill a bear with bare hands is not a man".

The conversation between Foreign Ministers Lavrov and Pompeo was provoked by Moscow the United States. In addition to the Butina affair, bilateral relations between the two countries, the civil war in Syria and developments on the Korean peninsula were also discussed.

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