Marseille: a cruise company convicted of atmospheric pollution


For the first time, a cruise company in France has been convicted of air pollution. The British company P & O Cruises and the captain of his liner "Azura" should pay 100,000 euros in total, because they used in the port of Marseille an unauthorized diesel engine to drive, decided a city court.

The "Azura" is one of the largest ships of P & O Cruises and, according to the company, built especially for families. The shipping company belongs to the American company Carnival Cruise, the convicted captain is also American.

However, the captain bypbades the essence of the penalty. According to the judgment, 80,000 of the 100,000 euros must carry the company. However, according to the judges, the captain knew that the oil was illegal. It contains about 1.7% sulfur, but only 1.5% is allowed in the EU.

The company deliberately used this cheaper diesel fuel to "save money at the expense of the public's lungs," the prosecutor said.

Marseille, like other European port cities, is struggling with the high level of air pollution that causes respiratory diseases. The verdict is considered a precedent.

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