Mayor of Villach pleads guilty «


Any irregularities in the election (now canceled) runoff for the post of Federal President in May 2016, starting tomorrow, the Klagenfurt State Court. Ten people, including the mayor of Villach, Günther Albel (SPÖ), have to answer. The latter now announced that he was guilty of confessing the "norm".

"As mayor, I found a system that was bad and illegal, and when I realized that, I took responsibility, and I do it even before the judge, an error is a mistake, there is nothing to hide, "said Albel, who is accused of false certification, in an interview. And he said: "In fact, the supreme employee of our electoral authority has already scribbled the ballots as of Thursday, and that too was absolutely incorrect and a misdemeanor."

Resignation in the verdict of guilt? "No"

However, according to Albel, the vote count had expired properly, as the Constitutional Court had stated. His conclusion: "The count was only technically wrong." He hopes for a diversion, continued the city chief. The question of whether this will not happen and that he will be sentenced, will resign, the 44-year-old man replied dryly: "No"

The background: In a memorandum, confirmed the members of the district electoral authority that the electoral cards counted correctly although they were not present at any time in the badessment and counting of votes by voting card by correspondence of the district electoral authority. In addition, a meeting of the district electoral authority on polling day was recorded, which should never have taken place.

Hofburg Elections: Chronology of a series of recounts

>>> Günther Albel in the "Standard"


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