Memory of the Nazi victims in Annabichl


On the national day, the "Kärnten Koroska Memorial" Committee is still asking for a commemorative ceremony at the Klagenfurt / Annabichl Cemetery. In his speech, the Carinthian writer, Felix Kucher, warned to watch closely the socio-political developments.

It is an annual commemoration of at least 3 173 men and women of Carinthia, victims of the Nazi regime between 1938 and 1945. Their names appear on 16 glbad plates at the Annabichl Cemetery memorial. They were all resistance fighters, forced laborers, soldiers.

Commemoration Annabichl Carinthia Memorial Koroska


Author Felix Kucher

The Carinthia-Koroška Memorial Association (MKK) sees itself as a platform against the resurgence of fascism, racism and anti-Semitism. This memorial service has been held since 1977 and this year, not only the keynote speaker and author, Felix Kucher, called for a thorough review of socio-political developments: "Today, it is not enough It is also important to monitor the current political forces, which exclude marginalized groups and hunt down the weaker ones, in the same way that things are developing today. our resistance, should grow against such currents.I have the impression that he is too shy. "

Kucher's second novel "Kamnik" addresses expulsion and annihilation since the NSDAP seizure of power and is related to the migration of two Carinthians to Argentina.

Commemoration Annabichl Carinthia Memorial Koroska


Kaiser: Shaking people and looking to the future

Governor Peter Kaiser (SPÖ) said that the national holiday was a day of commemoration, but also a day of waiting. It was more important than ever. The second republic is a success in which the population has always improved a little. But it is beginning to collapse: "We are currently witnessing global, economic and economic developments, and we are dying of success." There are already setbacks, questions, scapegoats and criticisms of the situation. of an increasingly mobile society, the refusal to flee and the refusal of help, the solidarity of the community does not weaken, there are jolts and tears. "He therefore welcomes to those who try to shake people at events such as today. National Day is a good day to listen to his words more carefully. "But we are also taking advantage of this day to look ahead," said the governor at the end of his speech.

Commemoration Annabichl Carinthia Memorial Koroska


Commemoration Annabichl Carinthia Memorial Koroska


Mathiaschitz: freedom, democracy and tolerance fragile

We must be vigilant, as stated by the Mayor of Klagenfurt, Maria Luisue Mathiaschitz, in her speech: "Freedom, democracy and tolerance are very fragile – this would prove the many names of Nazi victims", said Mathiaschitz. She stressed, "We honor these people when we defend our democracy."

During the celebration, students from the Ingeborg-Bachmann Gymnasium were also present, giving a lecture on their knowledge of the Nazi regime. Ali Gaggl and Primus Sitter were responsible for the musical accompaniment of the commemoration. Alexander Petritz, newly elected president of the MKK Memorial Association, was pleased to host many representatives of public life in Carinthia and beyond.

Commemoration Annabichl Carinthia Memorial Koroska




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